I did not Stopped with one letter; till date I wrote almost 10,926 letters to Law Authorities, Police, Judge, Ministers, News Media, etc etc.
After President letter, I received many letters from Karnataka state legal Authority as they were Instructed to handle my 498A case; I wrote them back with situation.
KSLSA letters [13 PS 2004] dated 6/5/2004 and 11/06/2004 and asked me to meet Maharashtra State Legal Authorities as my case was in Maharashtra.
They also forwarded my letter to MSLSA and I got Reply from Maharashtra Home department as on 15/05/2004.
I wrote again and again to MSLSA, asking them to do justice;
I asked them repeatedly why she is not coming to Court if she is TRUE.
MSLSA forwarded my letters to Thane legal Authorities and Vasai Civil Court judge. Then judge asked my lawyer to produce me to court. Because of this my lawyer got furious, as judge himself asking to produce me, as there was less chance to make more money and Blackmail me.
Total count of Emails / Letters i sent as on 03-April-2006 = 12,025……[Still Continued..]
on 09-May-2007 = 14,811……[Still Continued..]