AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

I Do not want to be with my Father

She not only abducted my son, but kept away from me for last 12 years, filled him with all negative views still after 12 years of long legal battle she lost it with their one silly move.

AS my custody battle reached High Court of Karnataka, in 2010 Court ordered visitation after keeping my passport with local court, they thought they will get order in favor of them, for their sob stories. but order came against them, and they had no option than allow me to meet my son.

Everywhere they stopped me to meet, Even when i went to his school, they told Head teacher too not to allow me to meet my son.

They spread the rumor, that i abandon my son, etc; etc.

But i continued my fight, after 2010 order i went to meet my son after depositing passport, Depositing passport a just hurdle to make my move difficult, as i come to India for a short leave and in court it take time to deposit passport.
When i went, i went alone with a Driver and also took a Camera, when they stopped me on their house gate, Driver started to take photos, their every move, shouting and angry face….

SUREKA……! i got it what i wanted. (SUREKA… is a Indian version of EUREKA…) i was having proofs of content of court. Even i informed local Police how many of us went to her house.

So i filled revision of custody order, last month old judge was retired and case was with Chief Justice of High Court. and CJ ordered to produce child along with her Father, and her father took a Body guard, his elder daughter husband, a Henpecked husband who dance, as his wife says, and he is happy to lick her, just to get some money for 60 in the Evening.

When Judge asked, why i was not allowed to meet my son, in Pathetic and desperate situation her Father said stammering.

H-hee-e-He ca-ce-ce-came with Fr-Fre-Fre-Freinds and Banging on the door….. he has problem talking and in front judge, words did`t came out at all, Judge knew the truth that i went alone and judge seen Photos too.

Then judge asked my son….. and he said, as they prompted him to tell, “I DON’T WANT TO GO WITH HIM” that’s the mistake they did. and judge knew about it. No child is mature enough to tell this unless, he is threatened, Prompted, thats what they did.

Immedietly Judge Blasted at her Father, “If anyone STOP Father meeting his Son, Custody will be Given to Father“. and Judge is The Hon’ble Chief Justice Shri.Vikramajit Sen

and Order came with direction to take my son to my home, to my People.

With this Order, all the efforts they did were wasted. Its their crooked mind, Evil will and lies ruined everything.

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