Here is the brief of the order where it ordered.
Deposit 10 Lakhs (1 Million) and make my ex as a Nominee. and also deposit Passport with Police, as Indian Judicial system treat all men / father as Criminals, even i have no criminal record or Abducted my Son Before.
A sum of Rs.10 lakhs has been set apart and placed in Fixed Deposit in Vijaya Bank, Karkala Branch, Karnataka.
Learned counsel for the appellant states that the nominee shall be changed to the mother of Glen. He is directed to do so in order to remove any likelihood of this amount being misused by any other person. The appellant is directed to place this amount in a Cumulative Deposit for an initial period of 8 years. However, if any amount is needed for the education of Glenn, Courts order may be obtained in this regard.
Learned counsel for the appellant undertakes that for the period of appellants stay in India, he shall surrender his Passport with the jurisdictional Police Station, who shall return the same in time so as to enable the appellant, to return to his place of work.
The application stands disposed of in the above terms. The previous arrangement as per order dated 06.12.2010. is not diluted; it is clarified that the possibility of overnight stay has not been modified.