What is NIC ?
National Informatics Centre (NIC) of the Department of Information Technology is providing network backbone and e-Governance support to Central Government, State Governments, UT Administrations, Districts and other Government bodies. It offers a wide range of ICT services including Nationwide Communication Network for decentralised planning, improvement in Government services and wider transparency of national and local Governments. NIC assists in implementing Information Technology Projects, in close collaboration with Central and State Governments, in the areas of (a) Centrally sponsored schemes and Central sector schemes, (b) State sector and State sponsored projects, and (c) District Administration sponsored projects. NIC endeavours to ensure that the latest technology in all areas of IT is available to its users.
National Informatics Centre
Department of Information Technology
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi – 110 003 India
I have been watching them, that very often they are coming to my blog and reading latest development, as i write openly, every event of failure of Indian judiciary system.
I do not affraid to write the truth, or ashmed to say, i am harassed by gender biased laws. it is shame on then and government, for blind spectetors.
Let world know, Indian government is harassing its own people by one sided laws, knowingly not change these laws; and enjoy watching people are harassed.
This is not the 1st time, they come to my blog once a week, as they track me, i watch their move too. Here is my Tracker Record.
Today [ 27-02-2009] there 3 more entries, and they came from search word 498A, that means there is some victim of 498A at NIC ?
On the contrary your popularity and being recognized for speaking the truth.