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Further to my previous update, we got to know of the FIR filed against my parents, sister and myself. While no arrests or calls have been made by the police yet on this issue, what upsets me is the level of allegations made against us.

Firstly, the allegation of taking gold worth 1.3Kilos and silver worth 1.2 kilos.

Secondly the allegation that the B**** was subject to harassment by my parents.

Thirdly, my reluctance to bring her overseas with me unless a sum of 10lakhs was further paid as dowry.

While we have ample proof and facts to counter every allegation charged, it seems very evident that this FIR of 498A was filed on vindictive purposes and to put us through undue harassment.

Her father being a retired railway employee by no legal means can amass 1.2 kilos of gold, let alone the silver.

She never stayed with us and instead spent most of her time at her elder brother’s place.

I have a letter from my relocation agency that states we had done everything possible to send her the documents and I also have an email from the perpetrator demanding gaurantee of her life and monetary security (she had cc’d all members of her family in this email)

Our only focus is to get divorced to her and we don’t see a point in filing allegations (although we have sufficient grounds to file both criminal and civil cases against them)

Based on the above, I would like to know if it possible to avoid going to jail, especially my father who suffers from high BP and also underwent cardiac operation.

What are the chances of getting for divorce in this case and what are the grounds for us to prepare ourselves against this fraudulent allegation.
