Reply To: Delayed justice leading to grief, pain and fear.

Welcome Forums Advice 498A Delayed justice leading to grief, pain and fear. Reply To: Delayed justice leading to grief, pain and fear.


I was not reading mails of the group for long time and today I am surprised to know that this platform is advising bit…. to get back their money from boys spent during marriage (even if spent). What about the money spent from the boy’s side and have they spent it completely on bot or to fed their guests????? WHY expecting money from boy side or charging for ni..ts spent with him????? or was it dowry??? then send her to jail first. and you ppl are encouraging her in her act of extortion. WHY SHE WANT MONEY??????? Nobody is supposed to get back money spent on a party from any person but in case of marriage it has become the right of girl side to extort any amount of money from boy in name of expenditure incurred on marriage. shame on such people and persons on her side. Cant you people see she is talking again and again about HER PARENTS MONEY. nowhere about relations

This platform seems no more against dowry or against legal extortion.

sorry to read this topic