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Dear Neelam,

As first i would like to request you whenever you are addressing a person ,address him with due respect.

A wife and a husband are the support pillar for each other they should support each other in case of any difficulty be it financial,emotional,physical or anything.

For your information i must tell you i am a Chareterd and I am well able to handle my finances and my family.The false case of 498a happened to me just because I got a wife who is as admant as you…

Pls find below the citation taken from SC judgement :

The foundation of a sound marriage is tolerance, adjustment and respecting one another. Tolerance to each other’s fault to a certain bearable extent has to be inherent in every marriage. Petty quibbles, trifling

differences should not be exaggerated and magnified to destroy what is said to have been made in heaven. All quarrels must be weighed from that point of view in determining what constitutes cruelty in each particular case and as noted above, always keeping in view the physical and mental conditions of the parties, their character and social status. A too technical and hyper- sensitive approach would be counter-productive to the institution of marriage.

A too technical and hyper- sensitive approach would be counter-productive to the

institution of marriage.

For your convenience I am putting a link of a 498a culprit who in open forum agreed that she has done a false case of 498a/DV/125/Divorce etc on her husbands and she lost both DV and Crpc 125 case.She got nothing from her husband no money no family no love …Now she regrets lodginng false cases on her husband.

Believe me your condition or any other girls condition is going to be the same if she lodges any false cases on her husband and his family and cheats the entire institution of marriage.If wife can’t support her husband in the path of life then she is not worth calling a WIFE.I think you need to understand the meaning of wife.Wife does not mean the lady who always takes all the time from husband. It is her duty to support her husband both emotionally and financially and physically. In my earlier thread I suggested you to support your husband financially by doing some part time/full time work depending on your convenience .. I think you should tone down and behave properly in open forum to the person who is advicing you… I am not your husband who will just listen so behave next time and be careful while choosing your words…