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At times, some greedy people, doing business of astro (may not even be knowing astrology well) cheat the clients and at times deliberately get such charts matched !!!!

Infact to be true, in my extended family, no charts were ever matched and all have good marriages, but that generation was different…and laws were not so vulnerable to misuse then …. You are right, those who have suffered after chart matching would definitely be against astro while our case being opposite, we turned pro astro !!!! Thats a basic human trait “conditional learing from ones experiences” …. For example, a person having bad experience with housewife would like to marry a working woman next time while the one who married a working woman and had bad experience would now go for house wife thinking that that was the only reason for the problem … I do agree on this selective perception of humans and I am also probably unintentionally relating things to astro ….

But, in my quest for learning astro, I do wish to invite some opinion from fellow learners to know other people’s opinions in this matter ….