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inhumanbeing; i did`t told her what i have done for her. and she is happy.

she got what she wanted, she dont question or demand more coz she got more than what she dreamt.

nor i demand to return for whatever i have done for her. and she dont question. coz she knows if she trying to bang her head to rock, she is the one who break her head.

same rules apply to you too; in your husband home you got more than what your parents has but you wanted more and control your husband, result you deprived your child.

your husband has right to file for Divorce and you too, but you filed case on him, he did`t still you justify you are right and he is wrong. you women harass men and push them to file Divorce coz if you file 1st he can question you and it will be problem getting maintenance.

i blame Women 90% for every Divorce.