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you haven’t answered the questions raised. why do women seek for well-settled men for marriage? Why are so many men unable to marry simply because their earnings are less? Why do women seek rich men for marriage? What has these got to do with policies for upliftment of women? Moreover, what about upliftment of men who have been oppressed and suppressed by society, not allowed to cry, weep, not allowed to express emotions, being considered disposable etc.? You want to rob men of their rights and pay women? This is inhuman and men’s activists will oppose it.

not all women coming from poor family seek wealthy man. nowaday women seek man who are compatible and well settled and also man marry only woman who they find attractive and think they are perfect match. wealth can increase or decrease after marriage. but parents in the arranged marriage want to see their loved one is not deprived of life she enjoyed in her parents house.

upliftmen of women comes into picture when incidences of injustice/crime against women raises.who is stopping man to express his emotions and considered as disposables? what rights have been robbed from you? how many woman remarry after separation having child? has her life not ruined?(geniune cases).