498a acquital : Neighbours and Panchayatdars not examined –C L IC K – H E R E
498a acquittal – Accused Not found guilty –C L IC K – H E R E
498A Acquittal – Prosecution has failed to prove the allegations –C L IC K – H E R E
498a and 406 cannot be used to teach a lesson –C L IC K – H E R E
498a Filed after 13 years of the date of the commission of the offence dismissed –C L IC K – H E R E
498A IPC And DP Act Not Sustainable When The Complaint Is Filed Long After Divorce –C L IC K – H E R E
498a on distant a relatives quashed –C L IC K – H E R E
498A Quash – Section 498A Is A Weapon Rather Than Shield For Disgruntled Wives –C L IC K – H E R E
498A Quash – Tendency to make vague, omnibus allegations of Dowry harassment.–C L IC K – H E R E
498a Quash against relatives, Dowry demand was not for them –C L IC K – H E R E
498A Quash of Married sister and Student Brother who stay seperate –C L IC K – H E R E
498a/304b discharge on suspicion vs Grave suspicion –C L IC K – H E R E
Absence of specific details in Allegations of Cruelty and Harassment, will not attract ingredients of S.304B and 498A IPC –C L IC K – H E R E
Acquitted in 306/498A IPC –C L IC K – H E R E
Acquitted in 498A/304B IPC –C L IC K – H E R E
Acquitted in Section 498A IPC –C L IC K – H E R E
After 498A men are reluctant to take wife back –C L IC K – H E R E
After IPC 498A acquittal husband can seek Divorce on cruelty Ground –C L IC K – H E R E
Amicable settlement Section 498A IPC quashed with Section 482 Cr.P.C–C L IC K – H E R E
Appeal against acquittal in Sections 304B, 498A dismissed –C L IC K – H E R E
Bail in 498A and 304B –C L I C K – H E R E
Benefit of Doubt, Acquitted in Sections 498A/Section 302 IPC –C L I C K – H E R E
Coming home late, eating out is not comes under IPC 498A as Cruelty –C L I C K – H E R E
Compound 498A if parties settle the dispute –C L I C K – H E R E
Contradictory, Vague allegations, acquitted in Sections 34, 107, 494, 498A and 498B –C L I C K – H E R E
Discharged for the offence 498A/304B/306/34 IPC. –C L I C K – H E R E
Husband acquitted in Sections 306 and 498A based on infirm evidence –C L I C K – H E R E
IPC 498A case against three members of husband’s family quashed –C L I C K – H E R E
IPC 498A discharge under Section 239 or 227/228/245 Cr.P.C –C L I C K – H E R E
IPC 498A, Suicide and Cruelty explained –C L I C K – H E R E
Landmark rulings on Section 498A IPC –C L I C K – H E R E
Looking at other Women will not attract IPC 498A –C L I C K – H E R E
Mere demand of dowry, No persistent demand of dowry acquitted in 498A and 304B –C L I C K – H E R E
Mere suspicion without any basis, Discharged in Section 498A/304B –C L I C K – H E R E
No iota of material of evidence, acquitted in 498a and 306 IPC –C L I C K – H E R E
No sufficient material for Framing of charge for the offences u/s 498A/406 IPC –C L I C K – H E R E
No unlawful demand for any property or valuable, No 498A –C L I C K – H E R E
Only 10 days stay, In-Laws 498A Quashed –C L I C K – H E R E
Out of Court Settlement 498A quashed u/s 248(1) of Cr.P.C –C L I C K – H E R E
Parents short stay – Name removed in 498A IPC –C L I C K – H E R E
Qua relatives 498a FIR Quashed .. –C L I C K – H E R E
Renew passport during Section 498a IPC pending. –C L I C K – H E R E
SAMPLE – CrPC 239 Discharge in 498a- Application Format –C L I C K – H E R E
SAMPLE CrPC 239 Discharge in 498a Application Format –C L I C K – H E R E
Section 304B IPC cannt be linked 498A IPC always –C L I C K – H E R E
Section 482 Cr.P.C in 498A directed to file 239 Cr.P.C in Lower court –C L I C K – H E R E
Section 498a cannot be applied on Non-relatives –C L I C K – H E R E
Section 498A I.P.C quashed with Section 482 Cr.P.C –C L I C K – H E R E
Section 498A IPC – No Ground for Framing the Charge –C L I C K – H E R E
Section 498A IPC breaking families than uniting them –C L I C K – H E R E
Section 498a IPC FIR Quash with Section 482 –C L I C K – H E R E
Sections 406/498A IPC – Territorial Jurisdiction, Quashing of FIR –C L I C K – H E R E
The Woman Subjected To Cruelty Herself only can file Section 498A IPC Complaint? –C L I C K – H E R E
Vague and Omnibus allegations 498a quashed –C L I C K – H E R E
Whether complaint U/S 498A of IPC can be filed by father of aggrieved woman? –C L I C K – H E R E
Whether Court should refuse to grant Anticipatory bail to husband for offence U/S 498A of IPC if he uploads a nude picture of his wife on the internet? –C L I C K – H E R E
Whether High Court can Quash Prosecution u/s 498A of IPC if there is Compromise between Husband and Wife? –C L I C K – H E R E
Whether husband can be prosecuted under S 304B and S 498A of IPC even if he is not legally married with prosecutrix? –C L I C K – H E R E