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Women Share in Property and Maintenance

Muslim Law Daughters In inheritance, the daughter’s share is equal to one half of the son’s in keeping with the concept that a woman is worth half a man. She has, however, and has always had full control over this property. It is legally hers…

DV used to demand Property Quashed

Madhya Pradesh High Court Rajkishore Shukla vs Asha Shukla 22 September, 2015 M.Cr.C.No.9246/2014 Parties through their counsel. The petitioners before this court have filed this present petition under Section 482 of Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 for quashment of complaint preferred under the Protection of…

Succession and Inheritance Rights

To achieve equal inheritance for all, the laws have been amended. In regard to succession to property among Hindus, the right by birth has been abolished and the Mitakshara School co-parcenary of Hindu Law has been converted into Dayabhaga School that means equal distribution of…

Proof of Inheritence under Hindu succession Act

Supreme Court of India Citation : 2007-AIR-SC2369 Judgment : S.B. Sinha, J. – A question of some importance in relation to applicability of custom in the matter of inheritance and succession under the Hindu Women’s Right to Property Act, 1937 falls for our consideration in…

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