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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Maintenance Reduced, Arrears Adjusted

IN THE COURT OF SH. SUNIL K. AGGARWAL, ADDL. SESSIONS JUDGE­04, NORTH­WEST DISTRICT, ROHINI COURTS, DELHI CA No. 75/14 Sh. Prashant Ojha, S/o Sh. Ramesh Ojha, R/o H. No. 183/31, Near Pristine Mall,First Floor, Faridabad, Haryana …..Appellant Versus Ms. Shalu Ojha, W/o Sh. Prashant Ojha…

Delhi MM Court : Middle East NRI’s discharge from 498A After his family’s discharge – Good Fight

Summary This is a classic case of 498A & combo IPC discharge against Middle East based NRI & his family members Learned trial court while framing charges considered the plea of his mother & sister (or MIL or SIL) and discharged them from 498A/406 but…

No proof of dowry articles – Acquitted

In The Court of Ms. Shefali Barnala Tandon, MM, Mahila Court, NW, Rohini Courts, Delhi State v. Radhey Shyam & Others FIR No.66/1995 U/s 498­A/406/34 IPC PS: Adarsh Nagar JUDGMENT CIS No. : 535599/2016 S.No. of the Case : 1331/2 – 16/12/06 Unique ID No….

Failed to Prove – D.V. Act is dismissed

IN THE COURT OF MS. SALONI SINGH, METROPOLITAN MAGISTRATE-02, MAHILA COURT, SAKET COURTS, SOUTH DISTRICT, NEW DELHI Complaint Case No:- 3/1A/2014 (463792/2016) CNR No:- DLST02-000510-2013 Police Station:- Ambedkar Nagar Himanshi @ Suman, D/o, Kali Prasad, W/o, Raveen, R/s, 9/291, Dakshin Puri,New Delhi-110062. …Aggrieved Vs. 1….

No relief, if couple not stayed together as husband and wife

IN THE COURT OF MS. VANDANA;M.M.MAHILA COURT; THC; DELHI CC No.143/1/14 Chand Tara @ Sonia Versus Nirbail Singh ORDER ON MAINTAINABILITY OF PRESENT PETITION 1.The brief facts of the complaint are as under:The complainant is a widow lady, residing with her minor daughter. She has…

Beaten MIL get interim reliefs under PWDVA

IN THE COURT OF SHRI VIDYA PRAKASH: ADDL. SESSIONS JUDGE­04 (NORTH): ROHINI COURTS: DELHI Criminal Appeal No. 38/14 Unique Case ID: 02404R0418572014 Smt. Kanta W/o Late Sh. Ram Gopal R/o Flat No. A­2, Baba Banda Bahadur Apartment Sector­14, Rohini, Delhi. …Appellant Versus 1. Sh. Pawan…

No Maintenance, Should consider husband’s ability to pay and his liabilities.

IN THE COURT OF SH.AMIT BANSAL,ADDITIONAL SESSION JUDGE­04 (NORTH­WEST DISTRICT) ROHINI COURTS, DELHI IN THE MATTER OF :­C.A. No. 41/14( Old CA No. 23/13) Smt. Rekha Rani W/O Sh. Harish Kumar,D/O Sh. Prem Chand,R/O F­76, Prashant  Vihar,Delhi­110085 Through her father/ Authorized Representative,Mr. Prem Chand, Also At:R/O A­1/164, Sector­4,Rohini, Delhi­110085.……Appellant/Wife Versus…

HC declined to quash DV under Section 482

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI CRL.M.C. No.28/2011 & Crl.MAs. 121-122/2011 Decided on 07.01.2011 IN THE MATTER OF : RAMANAND AMIT ….. Petitioner Through : Mr. Ajay Rai, Adv. versus RUHI RAMANAND ….. Respondent Through : Nemo. CORAM : HON’BLE MS.JUSTICE HIMA…

Not found ...?HOW TO WIN 498a, DV, DIVORCE; Search in Above link
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