Whether photograph can be proved even if its negative is not produced?
IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY ORDINARY ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION TESTAMENTARY SUIT NO.19 OF 1999 IN TESTAMENTARY PETITION NO.864 OF 1996 Ronald Fernandes V. Mrs. Rita Pinto CORAM : MRS. ROSHAN DALVI, J. DATE : 8th May, 2013. P.C. : 1. In paragraph 1 1 of my order dated 24th April, 2013 : date 4 th April, 2012 shall be corrected to read 4th April, 1972. 2. The admissibility of the documents of P W 3 is considered as follows : 1. Upon the evidence in paragraph 2 of the affidavit of evidence of PW3 copy letter dated 12th September, 1974 cannot be and is not marked since it is not shown to have been received by the addressee. 2. Upon the evidence of PW 3 in paragraph 5 of the affidavit of evidence of PW 3 the receipt of the letter dated 24th August, 1989 by the witness through her motherinlaw …
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