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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Minimum salary deliberate for Maintenance if husband’s income is not proven

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI CRL.REV.P. 204/2015 CRL.M.A.4961/2015, 4963/2015,5608/2015, 9820/2015, 8145/2016, 12393/2016 Reserved on: Apr 27, 2018 Date of decision: May 31, 2018 REEMA SALKAN ….. Petitioner Through: Mr. R.P. Vats, Adv. versus SUMER SINGH SALKAN ….. Respondent Through: Ms. Malvika…

Interim Maintenance reduced

IN THE COURT OF SHRI RAJ KUMAR TRIPATHI ADDL. SESSIONS JUDGE­ 02 : SOUTH EAST SAKET COURT : NEW DELHI IN RE: Criminal Appeal No.204486/16 ID No.DLSE01­003155­2015 Sandeep Aggarwal S/o Shri J.P. Aggarwal R/o C­562, New Friends Colony, New Delhi ­110065 . . . . Appellant…

Custody to Father, Court order to comply with UK Court

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment Reserved On: 21st March, 2016 Judgment Pronounced On: 8th July, 2016 W.P.(CRL).247/2016 ANAND RAGHAVAN ….. Petitioner Through : Mr. Prabhjit Jauhar with Ms. Aakriti Dawar, Advocates versus STATE OF DELHI & ANR ….. Respondents Through…

Against mother who fill Children mind Against Father

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of Reserve: January 20, 2010 Date of Order: February 08, 2010 CM(M) 1382/2009 Sumana Bhasin …Petitioners Through: Ms. Malvika Rajkotia with Mr. Ranjay N, Advocates Versus Neeraj Bhasin …Respondent Through: Ms. Anu Narula, Advocate JUSTICE…

Child Custody and Jurisdiction

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI CM (M) No.428 of 2005 Date of decision: 01.06.2006 MR. PAUL MOHINDER GAHUN …PETITIONER Through: Mr. Sanjay Jain, Advocate. VERSUS MRS. SELINA GAHUN …RESPONDENT Through: Ms. Malvika Rajkotia, Advocate. CORAM:HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE SANJAY KISHAN KAUL 1.Whether…

NRI Child Custody – Mr. Paul Mohinder Gahun vs Mrs. Selina Gahun

Delhi High Court Mr. Paul Mohinder Gahun vs Mrs. Selina Gahun on 1/6/2006 JUDGMENT Sanjay Kishan Kaul, J. CM (M) No. 428/2005 1. Admit. 2. At the request of the learned Counsel for the parties, the petition is taken up for final disposal. 3. The…

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