Andhra Pradesh High Court – Amravati Civil Miscellaneous Appeal Nos. 43 and 45 of 2021 Decided On: 25.01.2022 K. Ravi Prasad Reddy and Ors. Vs. G. Giridhar and Ors. Hon’ble Judges/Coram: C. Praveen Kumar and Ravi Nath Tilhari, JJ. Author: Ravi Nath Tilhari, J. Citation: MANU/AP/0075/2022, 1. Heard Sri…
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NOs. 4215-4216 OF 2007 Inbasegaran and another ……Appellant(s) versus S. Natarajan (Dead) thr. Lrs. …..Respondent(s) WITH CIVIL APPEAL NOs.4217-4218 OF 2007 S. Natarajan (Dead) thr. Lrs. ……Appellant(s) versus Inbasegaran and another …..Respondent(s) CIVIL APPEAL…
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