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498a acquital : Neighbours and Panchayatdars not examined

Andhra High Court P. Vasu And Anr. vs State Of A.P. on 2 August, 2004 Equivalent citations: I (2005) DMC 753 Bench: P Narayana JUDGMENT P.S. Narayana, J. 1. A1 and A3 in Sessions Case No. 462 of 1996 on the file of Sessions Judge,…

Mere direct of dowry, No determined direct of dowry clear in 498A and 304B

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1097/2012 JAGDISH & ORS…Appellants Versus STATE OF UTTARANCHAL ..Respondent J U D G M E N T R. BANUMATHI, J. JUDGEMENT This interest arises out of visualisation antiquated 29.12.2011 upheld by High Court…

Prosecution unsuccessful to entirely prove mandate of both Section 113B of Evidence Act and Section 304B, IPC

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.1081 OF 2010 (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No.5450 of 2009) Durga Prasad & Anr. … Appellants Vs. The State of M.P. … Respondent J U D G M E N T ALTAMAS KABIR,…

One Month Civil Imprisonment for Default of Maintenance

In the High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad THE HONOURABLE SRI JUSTICE U. DURGA PRASAD RAO CRIMINAL REVISION CASE No. 677 of 2018 13.03.2018 Gobbatina Venkateswara Rao.. Petitioner/petitioner Vs. State of A.P. represented by its Public Prosecutor, High Court at Hyderabad and one another ……

498A Quash – General, Hearsay accusation

Andhra High Court Public Prosecutor, High Court Of … vs T. Anand Kumar on 3 August, 2004 Equivalent citations: 2004 (2) ALD Cri 354, I (2005) DMC 162 Bench: P Narayana JUDGMENT P.S. Narayana, J. JUDGMENT P.S. Narayana, J. 1. Heard the learned Additional Public…

304-B, General, Vague and Inconsistent statements, Section 498-A  set aside

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.:Appeal (crl.) 1029 of 2001 PETITIONER:SUNIL BAJAJ… APPELLANT Vs. RESPONDENT:STATE OF M.P…. RESPONDENT DATE OF JUDGMENT: 11/10/2001 BENCH:U.C. Banerjee ,Shivaraj V. Patil JUDGMENT: SHIVARAJ V. PATIL J. Leave granted. The appellant has filed this appeal, aggrieved by the order dated…

Conflicting statements of Dowry in 304-b, charge removed

Rajasthan High Court Vishwa Kumar Sharma vs State Of Rajasthan And Anr. on 1 February, 2006 Equivalent citations: 2006 CriLJ 2096, I (2006) DMC 574, RLW 2006 (2) Raj 1123, 2006 (2) WLC 268 Bench: R Chauhan JUDGMENT R.S. Chauhan, J. 1. Within two days…

Whether offence U/S 498A of IPC can be proved on basis of dying declaration?

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1774 OF 2008 Bhupendra .…..Appellant Versus State of Madhya Pradesh …..Respondent J U D G M E N T Madan B. Lokur, J. 1. The question before us is whether Bhupendra (the appellant)…

Acquitted – Urgent domestic expenses for purchasing manure cannot be termed as a demand for dowry

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJALSTHAN AT JAIPUR BENCH, JAIPUR J U D G M E N T 1. Amit Sharma S/o Prem Prakash 2. Prem Prakash S/o Ram Narain 3. Smt.Gayatri W/o Prem Prakash…..Appellants Versus State of Rajasthan…..Respondent (S.B.CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.1096/2006) S.B.CRIMINAL…

Section 498-A and 302 IPC are set aside, Criminal Revision dismissed.

Andhra High Court THE HON’BLE SRI JUSTICE C.V.NAGARJUNA REDDY & THE HON’BLE SRI JUSTICE CRIMINAL APPEAL No.836 of 2010 AND BATCH 21-03-2016 Yerramsetti Satish….. Appellant/Accused No.1 State of A.P., Public Prosecutor,High Court, Hyderabad…..Respondent Counsel for the Appellant: Sri T.NIRANJAN REDDY for Sri T.NAGARJUNA REDDY…

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