Cr. MP(M) No. 1184 of 2018
Decided on: 26th September, 2018
Arun Kumar ….Petitioner
State of Himachal Pradesh …Respondent
The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Chander Bhusan Barowalia, Judge.
Whether approved for reporting?1 Yes.
For the petitioner: Mr. N.S. Chandel, Advocate.
For the respondent/State: Mr. Ashwani Sharma and Mr. P.K.
Bhatti, Additional Advocates General.
HC Ramesh Kumar No. 12, Police
Station Talai, District Bilaspur, H.P.
Chander Bhusan Barowalia, Judge. (oral).
The present bail application has been moved by the
petitioner under Section 439 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
seeking his release in case FIR No. 72 of 2017, dated 29.07.2017,
under Sections 376, 342, 506, 109, 120B IPC read with Section 34
IPC and Sections 4 and 17 of POSCO Act, registered in Police
Station Talai, District Bilaspur, H.P.
2. As per the averments made in the petition, the
petitioner is innocent and has been falsely implicated in the
present case. He is resident of the place and neither in a position
to tamper with the prosecution evidence nor in a position to flee
from justice, so he be released on bail.
1 Whether reporters of Local Papers may be allowed to see the judgment?
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3. Police report stands filed. As per the prosecution story
on 29.07.2017, the mother of the prosecutrix lodged a complaint
with the police alleging that her daughter, prosecutrix (name
withheld), who studies in college, as per her daily routine, on
29.07.2017 started to college at about 08:00 a.m.. The
complainant has further alleged that in the evening the prosecutrix
was sleeping and on the asking of the complainant, she started
weeping and divulged that she has been sexually assaulted by the
petitioner. The prosecutrix disclosed to her mother that today
when she alongwith her friend, Madhu, was at Barthi Chowk,
uncle of Madhu (petitioner) gave them lift in his Nano car. The
prosecutrix further divulged to the complainant that one lady
alongwith a baby was sitting on the front passanger seat.
However, subsequently that lady came to the rear passanger seat
and the prosecutrix sat on the front passanger seat. The friend of
the prosecutrix alighted at Jhanduta College and when she tried to
alight, the petitioner did not allow her and hurriedly drove the
vehicle towards the house of lady, who was sitting in the vehicle.
Later on, the lady sitting in the car told the prosecutrix to come on
the rear seat and that lady alighted from the vehicle at Kaasru and
on being asked, the prosecutrix accompanied her to her home, as
she wanted to collect some material from her home. The petitioner
also started walking behind them. When the prosecutrix and the
petitioner were inside a room, the lady closed the door of the room
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and the petitioner, after bolting the door of the room from inside,
forcibly commited sexual intercourse with her and also threatened
her to do away with her life in case she raises any hue and cry.
The petitioner tied her hands with her dupatta and also gagged her
mouth. When the prosecutrix shouted, the petitioner increased the
volume of the music system. Later on, when the prosecutrix came
out of the room, that lady was cutting grass nearby. The petitioner
took the prosecutrix to Barthi and there he made her to alight. On
the anvil of the complaint, so made by the complainant, a case was
registered against the petitioner and the investigation ensued. The
prosecutrix was medically examined and as per the medical
opinion sexual intercourse was not ruled out. The petitioner was
arrested and the statements of the witnesses were recorded. Police
prepared the spot map. Statement of the prosecutrix was also
recorded under Section 164 Cr.P.C. The petitioner got recovered a
used condom. As per the final medical opinion, considering
unmarried status torn hymen and well heated tag of hymen
alongwith presence of seminal stain on vaginal slide, recent sexual
intercourse has taken place. As per the prosecution, the challan
stands presented in the Court and the statements of the witnesses
have been recorded. Lastly, the prosecution has prayed that the
bail application be dismissed.
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4. I have heard the learned Counsel for the petitioner,
learned Additional Advocate General for the State and gone
through the record, including the police report, carefully.
5. The learned Counsel for the petitioner has argued that
the petitioner is behind the bars since long and nothing has come
against him in the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses, so he
be released on bail. Conversely, the learned Additional Advocate
General has argued that the petitioner has commited a serious
office and taking into consideration the medical report, which
portrays that the hymen of the prosecutrix was found torn and also
considering the manner in which the petitioner perpetrated the
crime, the bail application be dismissed.
6. At this stage, considering overall aspects of the case,
as emanating from the records, alongwith the fact that the only a
witness remains to be examined by the learned Trial Court,
considering the age of the petitioner as also the prosecutrix and the
manner in which the crime is alleged to have been committed by
the petitioner, this Court finds that present is not a fit case where
the judicial discretion to admit the petitioner on bail is required to
be exercised in his favour.
7. In view of the above, the petition sans merits, deserves
dismissed and is accordingly dismissed.
(Chander Bhusan Barowalia)
26th September, 2018 Judge
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