Arising Out of PS. Case No.- Year-0 Thana- District- Nalanda
Md. Kaimuddin, Son of Chhotan Miyan, Resident of Churari, P.S-
Ekangarsarai in the District of Nalanda.
… … Petitioner/s
1. The State of Bihar
2. Sakina Khatoon, Daughter of Rafo Miyan, Resident of Sherpur, P.S-
Biharsharif in the District of Nalanda.
… … Opposite Party/s
Appearance :
For the Petitioner/s : Mr.Braj Nandan Kumar Tiwary
For the Opposite Party/s : Mr.Nawal Kishore PrasadCORAM: HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE RAJENDRA KUMAR
Date : 10-01-2020Heard learned counsel for the petitioner and the learned
counsel for the State.
2. This application, under Section 482 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, has been filed for quashing the order dated
27.09.2018 passed in Misc. No. 06 of 2007, whereby and
whereunder, the learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Nalanda at
Biharsharif, rejected the application of the petitioner filed on
22.02.2016 for disposing of the aforesaid case in the light of
compromise petition filed before this Court in Criminal Revision
No. 471 of 2012 and Criminal Revision No. 382 of 2012.
Patna High Court CR. MISC. No.84769 of 2019 dt.10-01-2020
3. Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that
opposite party no. 2, Sakina Khatoon, filed Complaint Case No.
163(C) of 1999 for the offence punishable under Section 498A of
the Indian Penal Code against the petitioner, his father, brother and
sister-in-law, in which, petitioner, his father, brother and sister-in-
law were convicted on 16.08.2007 and sentenced to undergo
rigorous imprisonment for two years. Thereafter, against the
aforesaid Judgment and order, they preferred Criminal Appeal No.
168 of 2007/60 of 2010, which was dismissed by the court of
Presiding Officer, Fast Track Court No. III, Nalanda at Biharshrif
and thereafter brother and sister-in-law of the petitioner filed
Criminal Revision No. 471 of 2012 and petitioner and his father
filed Criminal Revision No. 382 of 2012, which was disposed of in
terms of joint compromise petition filed by the parties and the
aforesaid criminal revisions were allowed acquitting the revisionist
of the charges and in the light of compromise petition, the
petitioner paid Rs.3,75,000/- to the opposite party no.2. Thereafter,
the petitioner, who is opposite party no. 2 in Miscellaneous Case
No. 06 of 2007 filed by the opposite party no. 2 in the court of
Principal Judge, Family Court, Nalanda at Biharsharif for
realization of arrear of maintenance filed an application on
22.02.2016 for disposing of the Misc. No. 06 of 2007 in the light
Patna High Court CR. MISC. No.84769 of 2019 dt.10-01-2020
of compromise petition filed in Criminal Revision No. 471 of 2012
and Criminal Revision No. 382 of 2012 but the said application
has illegally been rejected by the learned Principal Judge, Family
Court, Nalanda at Biharsharif through the impugned order.
4. On perusal of the compromise petition filed on
10.03.2014 in Criminal Revision No. 382 of 2012 and Criminal
Revision No. 471 of 2012, while it is detailed in paragraph 4 that
cordial relation has been restored between the parties and they do
not want to proceed the cases and further have no grievance
against each but it is not detailed in the compromise petition that
Miscellaneous Case filed by the opposite party no.2 for
maintenance has also been compromised in between the parties.
5. As such, I find no illegality in the impugned order
for interference with same by exercising the power under Section
482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
6. Accordingly, this application stands dismissed.
(Rajendra Kumar Mishra, J)
Uploading Date 16.01.2019
Transmission Date 16.01.2019