The Industries (Development And Regulation) Act, 1951
13. Further provision for Licensing of industrial undertakings in special cases
1[13. Further provision for Licensing of industrial undertakings in special cases. (1) No owner of an industrial undertaking, other than the Central Government, shall-
(a) In the case of iii industrial undertaking required to be registered under section 10, but which has not been registered within the time fixed for the purpose under that section, carry on the business of that undertaking after the expiry of such period, or
(b) In the case of an industrial undertaking the registration in respect of which has been revoked under Section 10A 2[* * *] carry on the business of the undertaking after the revocation, or
(c) In the case of an industrial undertaking to which the provisions of this Act did not originally apply but became applicable after the commencement of this Act for any reason, carry on the business of the undertaking Differ the expiry of three months from the date on which the provisions of this Act became so applicable, or
(d) Effect any substantial expansion of an industrial undertaking which has been registered 3[or in respect of which a licence or permission has been issued], or
(e) Change the location of the whole or any, part, of an industrial undertaking, which has been registered,
Except under, and in accordance with, a licence issued in that behalf by the Central Government, and in the case of State Government, except under and in accordance with the previous permission of the Central Government.
(2) The provisions of sub-section (2) of section 11 and section 12 shall apply, so far is may be in relation to the issue of licences or permissions to any industrial undertaking referred to in this section as they apply in relation to the issue of licences or permissions to a new industrial undertaking.
For the purposes of this section, “substantial expansion” means the expansion an existing industrial undertaking which substantially increases the productive capacity of the undertaking, or which is of such a nature as to amount virtually to a new industrial undertaking, but does not include any such expansion as is normal to the undertaking having regard to its nature and the circumstances relating to such expansion.]
1. Subs. by Act 26 of’ 1953, sec 9 for the original section 13 (1-10-1953).
2. Certain words omitted by Act 71 of’ 1956, sec. 2 (w.e.f. 1-3-1957).
3. Ins. by Act 71 of’ 1956, sec- 2 (w.e.f’. 1-3-1957).
The Industries (Development And Regulation) Act, 1951