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Section 156 – The Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act,1960

The Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act,1960

Section 156. Compensation due to maintenance holder

(1) If any person claiming as maintenance holder to be entitled to any portion of the compensation awarded to any intermediary under this Chapter applies to the compensation officer for payment of the same to him, the compensation officer may, with the consent of the intermediary, direct the payment to the applicant out of the compensation of such amount as the intermediary may have agreed to be paid to the applicant, and any such payment shall be valid discharge of the liability of the Government in respect of the amount so paid.

(2) If the intermediary does not give his consent, the compensation officer shall direct the applicant to file, within three months, a suit or other proceeding in the court having jurisdiction to establish his claim and order that the amount claimed shall not in the meantime be paid to the intermediary.

(3) The Government shall not be made party to any suit or proceeding instituted or commenced in pursuance of any direction given under sub-section.(2).

(4) If the suit or proceeding referred to in sub-section (2) is instituted or commenced within the period aforesaid, the compensation officer shall place the amount claimed at the disposal of the court before which such suit or proceeding is instituted.


For the purpose of this section, a maintenance holder means a person entitled to receive maintenance under a registered deed, decree or order of court.

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The Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act,1960

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