The Trade and Merchandise Marks Act,1958
Section 18. Application for registration
(1) Any person claiming to be the proprietor of a trade mark used or proposed to be used him, who is desirous of registering it, shall apply in writing to the Registrar in the prescribed manner for the registration of his trade mark either in Part A or in Part B of the register.
(2) An application shall not be made in respect of goods comprised in more than one prescribed class of goods.
(3) Every application under sub-section (1) shall be filed in the office of the Trade Marks Registry within whose territorial limits the principal place of business in India of the applicant or in the case of joint applicants the principal place of business in India of the applicant whose name is first mentioned in the application, as having a place of business in India is situate:
Provided that where the applicant or any of the joint applicants does not carry on business in India, the application shall be filed in the office of the Trade Marks Registry within whose territorial limits the place mentioned in the, address for service in India as disclosed in the application, is situate.
(4) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Registrar may refuse the application or may accept it absolutely or subject to such amendments, modifications, conditions or limitations if any, as he may think fit.
(5) In the case of an application for registration of a trade mark (other than a. certification trade mark) in Part A of the register, the Registrar may, if the applicant so desires, instead of refusing the application, treat it as an application for registration in Part B of the register and deal with the application accordingly.
(6) In the case of a refusal or conditional acceptance of an application, the Registrar shall record in writing the grounds for such refusal or conditional acceptance and the materials used by him in arriving at his decision.