MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

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Herbs – A Quick Reference Guide

Aids in healing allergies, arthritis, morning sickness, peptic ulcers, stomach ailments and bad breath; cleanses the kidneys and removes poisons from the body; neutralizes acids; is an excellent blood purifier and blood thinner; improves the appetite and aids in the assimilation of protein, calcium and other nutrients.

Aloe Vera
Helps alleviate constipation, aids in healing burns and wounds, canker sores, cold sores, ulcers, acne and digestive disorders.

Avena Sativa
Natural aphrodisiac for men and women.

Blessed Thistle
Helps strengthen the heart and lungs; aids in healing urinary, pulmonary and liver disorders; increases circulation to the brain; aids digestion, reduces fever, expels worms, helps alleviate menstrual cramps.

Burdock Root
Is an excellent blood purifier and cleanser; aids in healing skin blemishes, arthritis and rheumatism; promotes healthy kidney function.

Promotes cleansing of the circulatory and digestive system; reduces fever, purifies the blood; helps prevent muscle aches, tiredness, skin blemishes, headaches, rheumatism, ulcers and sore throats; helps in regulating your blood pressure and pulse rate.

Cascara Sagrada
Stimulates the secretions of the entire digestive system; helps prevent nervous disorders, colon and constipation problems.

An excellent cleanser and toner of the digestive tract; aids in calming the nerves; expels worms and parasites; Improves the appetite and helps eliminate dandruff.

Aids in healing skin blemishes, acne, arthritis and allergies; promotes hair growth; acts as a natural antibiotic within the body with no side effects.

Aids in healing respiratory ailments, anemia, arthritis, fractures, mucous membranes, lungs and wounds; it is soothing to the gastrointestinal tract; aids in cell proliferation; helps the pancreas in regulating blood sugar level; helps promote the secretion of pepsin and is a general aid to digestion. Note: Some people have a very strong allergic reaction to this herb.

Is the most effective blood and lymphatic cleanser in the botanical kingdom; its acts as a natural antibiotic and works like penicillin in the body with no side effects; aids in reducing fever, infections, bad breath and mucous build up.

Aids in reducing skin blemishes, clears bloodshot eyes, and helps with impotence.

Is extremely effective in dissolving and cleansing cholesterol from the blood stream; it stimulates the digestive tract; it kills worms, parasites and harmful bacteria; it normalizes blood pressure and reduces fever, gas and cramps; it used by athletes for increasing physical strength and energy.

Aids in fighting colds, colitis, digestive disorders, flu and gas; it helps increase the secretion of saliva; is excellent for the circulatory system and helps increase stamina.

Aids in increasing endurance, longevity and vitality; aids in balancing hormonal activity; acts as a sexual stimulant, mental and physical stimulant; normalizes blood pressure levels; helps protect the body against stress; strengthens the endocrine glands; stimulates the activity of RNA and DNA in your cells, thus helping retard the aging process. It has been characterized as an adoptogen, meaning it supports whatever system of the body is in need. In experimental studies with animals, those given Ginseng had increase testosterone levels while the weight of their prostate decreased. Such studies seem to support the folk uses of Ginseng to treat male conditions.

Gotu kola
Is an excellent “brain food” which promotes memory and helps alleviate mental fatigue; excellent for the eyes, impotence, endurance, energy and normalizing blood pressure; considered to be an excellent nerve tonic.

Known for it’s use in energy drinks, Guarana increases energy for stamina and performance and is said to empower the mind.

Strengthens the muscles and nerves to the heart; aids in relieving emotional stress; regulates high and low blood pressure; helps combat arteriosclerosis, hypoglycemia and heart disease.

Regulates blood pressure, purifies the blood and promotes circulation, excellent aid for the eyes, hoarseness, lungs, mucous buildup, nervous disorders and skin problems.

Expels mucous from the respiratory tract aids in healing hoarseness, hypoglycemia, coughs and constipation; promotes healthy adrenal glands; acts as a sexual stimulant; helps increase endurance and vitality; helps in reducing skin blemishes (age spots).

A bone, flesh and cartilage builder; aids in healing respiratory ailments, asthma, bronchitis, diarrhea, sinus congestion; soothing to any inflammation and relieves pain; acts to relieve spasms and clears the lungs.

Used to fight infection and curb stress. it is the highest herb in Vitamin C content and contains the entire C-Complex. More

A common garden herb,sage has a variety of uses from the kitchen to medicinal and cosmetic applications.

Helps cure impotence; relieves inflammation and gas and will increase the flow of urine; an excellent blood purifier; aids rheumatism, heartburn, hormones, gout, fever ad mucous buildup; also used to promote perspiration.

Saw Palmetto
Supports prostate function. It has folk history of being used as a treatment for reduced libido, impotence, and lack of sexual stamina. Because it inhibits androgen and estrogen receptor activity, saw palmetto helps balance hormones.

Is an algae containing 65 – 70percent protein; it contains 26 times the Calcium of milk; also contains phosphorous and niacin and is far more nutritious than any known food; used for rejuvenation and weight reduction; an excellent blood and colon cleanser; very high in Vitamin B12 content.

A nutritive tonic, high in Iron and useful in treating anemia; also nourishes the spleen and liver, thus, being effective for the treatment of Jaundice, Lymphatic problems and skin eruptions; strengthens, cleanses and tones the entire body; excellent for boils, ulcers, wounds, and cleansing the blood.

Yohimbe Extract
Boosts testosterone and increases blood flow to genitals. It increases reflex excitability in the lower spinal cord that adds to the intensity of sexual experience. Yohimbe makes erections harder and last longer. It is a natural aphrodisiac.

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