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Size matters ?

Did you know that the average penis size when erect is only 5.7′ to 6′ Over 90% of men posses this size.

I never thought penis size mattered until I had a guy who was HUGE. I then realized penis size matters, it SUCKS if it is too big because it hurts!

I never thought penis size mattered until I had a guy who was TINY. I then realized penis size matters, it SUCKS if it is too small because you don’t know if he’s in or out!

where a penis with smaller head and body but the same number of sensory neurons can be stimulated much more than the larger organ.

only the outer third of the vagina can feel the penis is wrong. There may be different kinds of nerves there but the vagina is sensitive all the way in to the cervix and a woman does know when the cervix has been pushed by an object inside the vagina. How that information will be processed by the brain is a moot point. It is almost certainly context sensitive, I doubt many women orgasm when having a gynaecological examination. The sensations will probably be interpreted differently by different women and at different times in the same woman. If a woman has learned to associate an uncomfortable fullness in the upper vagina with great sexual pleasure then for her size will matter. For many other women yes, they can tell the difference but it doesn’t really matter that much either way. Size probably does matter a lot for sex toys, but it would rarely be a woman’s top priority in the choice of a long term mate. And if it was would you really be interested in a woman who judged men with a ruler?

I also strongly suspect that the dimensions of the vagina you have stated are measuring the vagina in the normal state. (As if any woman would feel normal with her feet round her ears and a ruler disappearing into her nether regions…) When a woman becomes sexually excited the vagina elongates. It is quite simple to measure a penis in either the erect or flaccid state and get a clear measurement, but a vagina is by its nature more of a potential space than an actual space, it isn’t clear as to how to measure its size.

There’s more to sex than filling a vagina, a lot more. Surveys of women’s attitudes to penis size regularly show that any preference women have is relatively unimportant, a good lover with a small penis is better than a selfish oaf with a large one. Penis size obsession is far more common among men. Naturally most women would prefer a reasonably large penis and a great lover. Our species are never satisfied with our lot in life so why should willies be an exception?

I don’t think size matters all that much. The first guy I was with, the first penis I ever saw, ended up being only about 3-4 inches…I thought that was the normal size until I saw the next guy I was with and he was 7 inches…the short one was wider though so that worked awesomely, and the longer one was skinnier but it was longer so that was good too…it’s awesome though because now the guy I am with is long and wider – I mean not HUGE b/c that would hurt too much, but he has a perfect combination and is awesome at what he does with it even though I’m his first!!! So really, I think it all depends on how they use it.

Erect penis length
The average erect penis length was 5.877 inches (14.928 cm). Standard deviation was 0.825 inches (2.096 cm) with 54 percent of the effective sample measuring between 5.5 inches (14 cm) and 6.3 inches (16 cm).

Erect penis girth
The average erect penis girth was 4.972 inches (12.63 cm). Standard deviation was 0.508 inches (1.29 cm) or with 53.33 percent of the effective sample measuring between 4.525 inches (11.5 cm) and 5.118 inches (13 cm).

31 thoughts on “Size matters ?

  1. It is a great information to be read by all to come out of the myth so widely spread – both men and women should know this truth about the size

  2. Like most analysis of this kind it is useful to take the conclusions a bit further. What sample group was used for the penis length stats?. If an African American sample were used then the results would certainly be different.

    Most African Americans – particularly those in the Carribean islands were decended from slaves, and these were selectively bred for strength and virility. Human nature being what it is, a large penis was taken by plantation owners and managers as a sign of masculinity , strength and ability to breed.

    Remember in the 18th Century slaves were treated like farm animals and the ability to breed healthy stong children was highly valued.

    So in effect a large penis was selectively bred amongst slaves, they were given the best females and encouraged to impregnate as many young girls as possible. Although when they arived in the Carribean penis lengths of African males were only slightly more than European whites this changed quickly.

    The generations were also compressed cf Europeans as girls were available for breeding purposes from 12 or 13. This meant that in only 50 years it was possible to move through three or four generations and a favourable variation such as penis length could be significantly advanced.

    The sample distribution mode for African Americans is around 8”, and around 3% of the population have a penis length over 9”. The shape of the distribution curve is similar to the one displayed and by implication around 0.1% of African American blacks have a penis length from 10.5” to 10.75”

    Of couse selective breeding stopped in the mid 19th century, but it will be a very long time indeed before the effects are diluted even with the increase in mixed race marriages

    1. This is a load of baloney, don’t listen to this crap. I am Latino with (probably) some African blood as well. The average African penis is NOT 8”. Also, there are absolutely huge variations in flaccid size due to temperature and conditions.

  3. This is pretty good. im 15 years old and my length is 5.75 inches… will i stop growing here or will i have more to come later on in life?

  4. Ryan, you’re 15, the penis usually stops growing round 18-21. When I was 15 it was around the same, but it’s closer to 7 now so don’t worry about it. Dan Allen, the whole slaves being “bred” to be more fertile and thus have larger penises, seems like a load of crap. Firstly because humans are much more complex organisms than your average bred dog or cat. It would take longer than 200 hundred years to breed that significant of a difference into a population so as to classify them as significantly larger.

  5. well my penis size is 7.00 inches and i’m 16 years old . my girlfriend makes jokes about this size and think it’s too small . She excuses herself after and tell that it’s just a joke and for her size doesn’t matter . Should i start concerning about this or is she only joking ? …ps: will my penis keep growing ?

    // There is nothing great in size of penis, its how how you use it, only 3 inch is enough to penetrate GSPOT, so do not worry about size,you can make her reach ORGASM with ORAL and without using penis, thats truth you know it now. — eDitor

  6. hey bensummer, she probably compares you penis to porn stars, or has not seen a penis other then yours in real life?

  7. I just turned 15 this month, and my size is very close to 6 inches. Will this pretty much be my size for life, or will it get bigger?

    — Why this life, thats enough for another life. use wisely. — eDitor

  8. I don’t think there has been any real scientific studies on penis size except the one in India about a few years back which concluded that indian men had smaller penises on average than other groups. The study was commissioned to determine the abnormally high failure rate of condoms in India. I’m not making this up, google it. As for the African American men, many people want to brush the larger than average reputation as merely a stereotype, and perhaps it is. Having seen many penises of many different races, it does appear that the average african american is larger than the average chinese penis, however, i’ve seen very small african american dicks, and rather large chinese ones (8 inches is the largest I’ve seen personally). It is true, however that black africans were bred like animals. Whether this practice has lead to ginormous penises in african american and afro-caribbean blacks I can’t say. However, there a few websites (like rudejam) that showcase amateur black jamaican men, and their sizes are tremendous. I’d more so than the handful of porn stars who have 10 inchers. There are hundreds of guys from this small island on that site. I’ve never seen a white site, of which there are hundreds, which showcase as many well endowed men. It leads one to believe that there may be some truth to the purported myth.

  9. This is pretty good. im 45 years old and my length is 30cm… will i stop growing here or will i have more to come later on in life?

  10. …there is so much shit about penis size out there…don’t believe anything about this “breeding for penis size” in the carribean stuff… there are very few studies that have adequately addressed penis size in humans, and those that have have never found a solid relationship between race and penis size – not to say that there definitely isn’t one, but it certainly hasn’t shown up (apart from possibly one study on koreans – there is a review on studies measuring penises – i think in the journal of urology, last 5 years or so but i cant remember when). The normal distributions shown above look to over estimate the average size – they are probably derived from kinsey’s work. Kinsey’s work was flawed – he let the men measure themselves. This has been a common problem with many penis size studies – one of the most interesting facts out there is that if you compare studies where trained professionals measure the penis with those where the men measured it themselves then the former shows average sizes as considerably lower than the the latter! My hunch is that average penis size is probably well below 6 inches.

    Coming back to race, well asagain there aren’t really good studies on this, but the work that has been done gives the impression that if there is a difference it certainly isn’t much, and I’d be EXTREMELY suprised if any of these 8 or 9 inch “averages” turned out to be true – frankly that reeks of bullshit to me – the guy above who says this is average for afrocarribeans – where on earth did you get this from cos it sure ain’t from the medical literature! Again its theoretically possible that there was artificial selection in afrocarribean slaves, but come on! They weren’t looking at their cocks! if anything they would have selected for physical stature -which may or may not be correlated with penis size (even that which seems intutively reasonable is not clear – not enough research some studies have shown yes others no I think).

    Anyway, supposedly males have one of two types of penis – growers and showers like we all now know – my hunch on race is that blacks are more likely to have showers – this would explain the whole story. And i even have support for my hunch – get this – Kinsey did do race and penis size (as i said earlier he let the men measure themselves but that shouldnt affect my theory here) – he got them to measure flaccid and erect – and although black males had noticeablely larger flaccid penises than other races , the difference dissapeared when measuring erect penises! Get in! i should be studying this stuff! Finally in my penis rant – the argument that black men in porn have big dicks… oh fuck it do i even need to point out the flaw in that one….

    Take everything with a grain of salt! There is a whole lot of bullshit out there in internet world, lots of people have an agenda, not least those people trying to sell penis enlargement products. If people quote a few statistics it doesn’t make it true – and even seemingly reputable magazines and websites are still quoting kinseys figures which everyone knows is now bollocks – that work was done something like over 50 years ago. And all this of course means that you shouldnt trust what im writing either – go research it yourself! I think you’ll find it should becorrect – but stick to primary science source- not surveys my mens magazines or what nutcases in forums are writing!

    Thats all folks…

  11. my message again without the swears as no doubt otherwise it won’t get in:

    …there is so much rubbish about penis size out there…don’t believe anything about this “breeding for penis size” in the carribean stuff… there are very few studies that have adequately addressed penis size in humans, and those that have have never found a solid relationship between race and penis size – not to say that there definitely isn’t one, but it certainly hasn’t shown up (apart from possibly one study on koreans – there is a review on studies measuring penises – i think in the journal of urology, last 5 years or so but i cant remember when). The normal distributions shown above look to over estimate the average size – they are probably derived from kinsey’s work. Kinsey’s work was flawed – he let the men measure themselves. This has been a common problem with many penis size studies – one of the most interesting facts out there is that if you compare studies where trained professionals measure the penis with those where the men measured it themselves then the former shows average sizes as considerably lower than the the latter! My hunch is that average penis size is probably well below 6 inches.

    Coming back to race, well asagain there aren’t really good studies on this, but the work that has been done gives the impression that if there is a difference it certainly isn’t much, and I’d be EXTREMELY suprised if any of these 8 or 9 inch “averages” turned out to be true – frankly that reeks of bull to me – the guy above who says this is average for afrocarribeans – where on earth did you get this from cos it sure ain’t from the medical literature! Again its theoretically possible that there was artificial selection in afrocarribean slaves, but come on! They weren’t looking at their …..! if anything they would have selected for physical stature -which may or may not be correlated with penis size (even that which seems intutively reasonable is not clear – not enough research some studies have shown yes others no I think).

    Anyway, supposedly males have one of two types of penis – growers and showers like we all now know – my hunch on race is that blacks are more likely to have showers – this would explain the whole story. And i even have support for my hunch – get this – Kinsey did do race and penis size (as i said earlier he let the men measure themselves but that shouldnt affect my theory here) – he got them to measure flaccid and erect – and although black males had noticeablely larger flaccid penises than other races , the difference dissapeared when measuring erect penises! Get in! i should be studying this stuff! Finally in my penis rant – the argument that black men in porn have big dicks… oh do i even need to point out the flaw in that one…. well here it is – no-one wants a black man in a porno who is anything but massive – thats the whole point of having interacial porn…

    Take everything with a grain of salt! There is a whole lot of bullshit out there in internet world, lots of people have an agenda, not least those people trying to sell penis enlargement products. If people quote a few statistics it doesn’t make it true – and even seemingly reputable magazines and websites are still quoting kinseys figures which everyone knows is now bull – that work was done something like over 50 years ago. And all this of course means that you shouldnt trust what im writing either – go research it yourself! I think you’ll find it should becorrect – but stick to primary science source- not surveys my mens magazines or what nutcases in forums are writing!

    Thats all folks…

  12. OK so here’s my post without the swears – sorry about them:

    …there is so much rubbish about penis size out there…don’t believe anything about this “breeding for penis size” in the carribean stuff… there are very few studies that have adequately addressed penis size in humans, and those that have have never found a solid relationship between race and penis size – not to say that there definitely isn’t one, but it certainly hasn’t shown up (apart from possibly one study on koreans – there is a review on studies measuring penises – i think in the journal of urology, last 5 years or so but i cant remember when). The normal distributions shown above look to over estimate the average size – they are probably derived from kinsey’s work. Kinsey’s work was flawed – he let the men measure themselves. This has been a common problem with many penis size studies – one of the most interesting facts out there is that if you compare studies where trained professionals measure the penis with those where the men measured it themselves then the former shows average sizes as considerably lower than the the latter! My hunch is that average penis size is probably well below 6 inches.

    Coming back to race, well asagain there aren’t really good studies on this, but the work that has been done gives the impression that if there is a difference it certainly isn’t much, and I’d be EXTREMELY suprised if any of these 8 or 9 inch “averages” turned out to be true – frankly that reeks of bull to me – the guy above who says this is average for afrocarribeans – where on earth did you get this from cos it sure ain’t from the medical literature! Again its theoretically possible that there was artificial selection in afrocarribean slaves, but come on! They weren’t looking at their….! if anything they would have selected for physical stature -which may or may not be correlated with penis size (even that which seems intutively reasonable is not clear – not enough research some studies have shown yes others no I think).

    Anyway, supposedly males have one of two types of penis – growers and showers like we all now know – my hunch on race is that blacks are more likely to have showers – this would explain the whole story. And i even have support for my hunch – get this – Kinsey did do race and penis size (as i said earlier he let the men measure themselves but that shouldnt affect my theory here) – he got them to measure flaccid and erect – and although black males had noticeablely larger flaccid penises than other races , the difference dissapeared when measuring erect penises! Get in! i should be studying this stuff! Finally in my penis rant – the argument that black men in porn have big ones so all black men must … oh do i even need to point out the flaw in that one…. well here it is – the whole racial stereotype thing means that all black men in porn must have massive ones, that’s the POINT of the whole interracial scene. Furthermore, the racial stereotype thing means that any black men who dont have massive ones are going to be even more reticent about getting them out – its self-fullfilling.

    Take everything with a grain of salt! There is a whole lot of bull out there in internet world, lots of people have an agenda, not least those people trying to sell penis enlargement products. If people quote a few statistics it doesn’t make it true – see for example the “racial breeding” post written above. And all this of course means that you shouldnt trust what im writing either – go research it yourself! I think you’ll find it should be correct ….
    Thats all folks…

  13. …there is so much bull about penis size out there…don’t believe anything about this “breeding for penis size” in the carribean stuff… there are very few studies that have adequately addressed penis size in humans, and those that have have never found a really solid relationship between race and erect penis size – not to say that there definitely isn’t one, but it certainly hasn’t shown up (apart from possibly one study on koreans – there is a review on studies measuring penises – i think in the journal of urology, last 5 years or so but i cant remember when). The normal distributions shown above look to over estimate the average size – they are probably derived from kinsey’s work. Kinsey’s work was flawed – he let the men measure themselves. This has been a common problem with many penis size studies – one of the most interesting facts out there is that if you compare studies where trained professionals measure the penis with those where the men measured it themselves then the former shows average sizes as considerably lower than the the latter! My hunch is that average penis size is probably well below 6 inches.

    Coming back to race, well again there aren’t really good studies on this, but the work that has been done gives the impression that if there is a difference it certainly isn’t much, and I’d be EXTREMELY suprised if any of these 8 or 9 inch “averages” turned out to be true – frankly that reeks of bull to me – the guy above who says this is average for afrocarribeans – where on earth did you get this from cos it sure ain’t from the medical literature! Again its theoretically possible that there was artificial selection in afrocarribean slaves, but come on! They weren’t out there looking at their…! if anything they would have selected for physical stature -which may or may not be correlated with penis size (even that which seems intutively reasonable is not clear – not enough research some studies have shown yes others no I think).

    (Also, whether the slection imposed by “owners” was great enough to make much impact over the given time period is debatable – id like to write about it but i dont have time or much knowledge – safe to say in that they can’t have been that successful in enforcing their selection – humans are pretty smart (generally) and would have mated more or less indiscriminantly despite the wishes of the traders / owners).

    Anyway, supposedly males have one of two types of penis – growers and showers like we all now know – my hunch on race is that blacks are more likely to have showers – this would explain the whole story. And i even have support for my hunch – get this – Kinsey did do race and penis size (as i said earlier he let the men measure themselves but that shouldnt affect my theory here) – he got them to measure flaccid and erect – and although black males had larger flaccid penises than other races , the difference dissapeared when measuring erect penises! Get in! i should be studying this stuff! Finally in my penis rant – the argument that black men in porn have big ones… oh do i even need to point out the flaw in that one….well here it is – the whole racial sterotype thing dictates that blacks have massive ones – thats the whole point of interracial porn. Moreover those blacks that dont feel they measure up witl be even more reticent about getting their out – its selffulfilling…

    Take everything with a grain of salt! There is a whole lot of bull out there in internet world, lots of people have an agenda, not least those people trying to sell penis enlargement products. If people quote a few statistics it doesn’t make it true – see the guy above on racial breeding! And all this of course means that you shouldnt trust what im writing either – go research it yourself! But I think you’ll find it should becorrect …

    Thats all folks…

  14. Here my comment altered because of the moderating process ( no swears now, sorry)

    …there is so much bull about penis size out there…don’t believe anything about this “breeding for penis size” in the carribean stuff… there are very few studies that have adequately addressed penis size in humans, and those that have have never found a really solid relationship between race and erect penis size – not to say that there definitely isn’t one, but it certainly hasn’t shown up (apart from possibly one study on koreans – there is a review on studies measuring penises – i think in the journal of urology, last 5 years or so but i cant remember when). The normal distributions shown above look to over estimate the average size – they are probably derived from kinsey’s work. Kinsey’s work was flawed – he let the men measure themselves. This has been a common problem with many penis size studies – one of the most interesting facts out there is that if you compare studies where trained professionals measure the penis with those where the men measured it themselves then the former shows average sizes as considerably lower than the the latter! My hunch is that average penis size is probably well below 6 inches.

    Coming back to race, well again there aren’t really good studies on this, but the work that has been done gives the impression that if there is a difference it certainly isn’t much, and I’d be EXTREMELY suprised if any of these 8 or 9 inch “averages” turned out to be true – frankly that reeks of bull to me – the guy above who says this is average for afrocarribeans – where on earth did you get this from cos it sure ain’t from the medical literature! Again its theoretically possible that there was artificial selection in afrocarribean slaves, but come on! They weren’t out there looking at their…! if anything they would have selected for physical stature -which may or may not be correlated with penis size (even that which seems intutively reasonable is not clear – not enough research some studies have shown yes others no I think).

    (Also, whether the slection imposed by “owners” was great enough to make much impact over the given time period is debatable – id like to write about it but i dont have time or much knowledge – safe to say in that they can’t have been that successful in enforcing their selection – humans are pretty smart (generally) and would have mated more or less indiscriminantly despite the wishes of the traders / owners).

    Anyway, supposedly males have one of two types of penis – growers and showers like we all now know – my hunch on race is that blacks are more likely to have showers – this would explain the whole story. And i even have support for my hunch – get this – Kinsey did do race and penis size (as i said earlier he let the men measure themselves but that shouldnt affect my theory here) – he got them to measure flaccid and erect – and although black males had larger flaccid penises than other races , the difference dissapeared when measuring erect penises! Get in! i should be studying this stuff! Finally in my penis rant – the argument that black men in porn have big ones… oh do i even need to point out the flaw in that one….well here it is – the whole racial sterotype thing dictates that blacks have massive ones – thats the whole point of interracial porn. Moreover those blacks that dont feel they measure up witl be even more reticent about getting their out – its selffulfilling…

    Take everything with a grain of salt! There is a whole lot of bull out there in internet world, lots of people have an agenda, not least those people trying to sell penis enlargement products. If people quote a few statistics it doesn’t make it true – see the guy above on racial breeding! And all this of course means that you shouldnt trust what im writing either – go research it yourself! But I think you’ll find it should becorrect …

    Thats all folks…

  15. hi how are you.i am 26 years old my penis size is 12 it good size for sexy life or not good size?

  16. hi how are you.i am 26 years old and my penis size is 12 it good size for sexy life?

  17. it is good information and my penice size is 7′ but i am not setified with it so how can i increse it without medicen

  18. this is all a load of shit because i have recently done many searches on the internet and a majority of the sites say that the average is 5-6 inches long with a 3-4 inch girth and that there is no proven fact that there is a difference in size amongst different racial groups. along with what konstantin said, humans are very much more complex than a dog or cat for instance and it would take MUCH longer to “evolve” larger penises. look at it this way, it took us hundreds of thousands of years to evolve into what we are, so just because you “breed” a person does not mean that they are going to change in such a short span of time.

  19. I m over 50 and have had some experience. Women never remark positiive or negative about my length (6″) but do extol the virtues of my girth (6.25″). So I would say the charts are probably about right. I have been fortunate that the women I have most wanted to please, and who also had enough experience to compare, were verrrrry happy with the girth.

  20. Hi all,
    I’ve always bee happy with my penis but also have a love hate relationship with it due to times when it didn’t ‘work’ for me!
    When it does work,the women I have been with have been very happy
    My ex-wife measured it at 23cm (9″) but I think it is usually around the 8″ mark,but the girth is what they have all commented on.It is 6″at the tip and just over 7″ at the base
    An ex-girlfriend found it very difficult to accomidate me and our sex life was pretty crap,she always told me that ‘women are ovens,not microwaves’
    That is,women need ‘warming up’ not just switched on and bang bang!!
    I have to say,that’s rubbish… current,and hopefully last,girlfriend absolutely loves sex and I had more sex in our first month of dating than I did in my first year with the previous g/friend!!
    Every opportunity she has it her mouth,hand or inside her and at 42,just when I thought I’d never have a decent sex life…..WHAM!!
    But back to my relationship with Chili Jr!! He has a problem with condoms….they are too tight and he struggles to get excited when using them.Luckily,current g/friend and I are up to date with our tests etc,so we don’t use them and all is good.
    At 6’7″,I know that people expect me to have a large one,but I know quite a few guys that are very well endowed and average in height.
    I came looking for info on genital size and this has been very informative.I have read excerpts of Kinseys reports and it’s true what he found out about African American men.They tend to be ‘showers’ as in,their flaccid size is usually bigger than average.
    These penises tend not to grow too much longer for whichever reason and of course there are always exceptions to the rules.
    It’s nature we’re talking about here.You have to look at averages in height,size etc.The majority of small women would not be able to comfortably cope with a larger than average penis.On the other end,tall or larger women would probably be able to enjoy sex with a larger size.In my experiences,this rings true,my last girlfriend was 5’2″,my ex-wife 5’11” and my current g/friend is 5’8″
    Enjoy what you have is what I say

  21. Im 26 and my erect penis length is 4.5 inches with a girth of 3 inches. Will this be a problem. Can I expect it to grow further / thicker? Pls advise

  22. I have always been a man of science. When you consider penis size that is what I am basing my comments on. The size of your penis is based more on heriditary factors than maybe any other part on you body except your hair. If your dad had a big penis then you will most likely have a large one also.

    And size does matter! Do you like to look at woman with big breasts? Well, I certainly do and most woman like to look at large male organs and they do lubricate between their legs when looking at one unless they are gay. We all know what a large penis looks like because of the high school locker room. I am not trying to brag here, but my family was very religious and I at first thought I was deformed between my legs. Insteed one guy finally told me they we all looking at the large size of my penis. My dad is huge and so am I. I have a degree in genetics and I now know why. By the way, your penis will start to go during that rush of hormones we all get and we do not get continued grow our whole life. We are also born with different size penises. That is why the doctor much use small, medium, and large clamps when he or she cuts off your foreskin. Food for thought.

  23. I am 14 but my dick is very very small well its about 4 high and 1 with (inch) but I havent got any hair under my arm pit either should it grow way bigger or what>?plz tell me…

  24. You see this guys with those “large defected(?)” abnormal pen1ses on p0rnmovies.
    But if you start to think!! – and look at those guys in the movies, more than the half of all movies made, there is this ugly guy with the big d1ck. And think more, it’s not sooo much bigger than the average size either.
    If the big size d1cks were more common, then why the f##k would they hire an ugly guy as an actor?

  25. ok now, im 15, 16 in 1 month, and i have a 7.9 inch penis when erect.

    reading all this has reassured me that mine is definitely not small so i dont have to worry about that, but im worried it will grow too big and not have a good sex life in the future..

    should i be worried?

  26. My wife’s vagina elongates a lot. I am working with 9″ length and while I hit her cervix sometimes, I must be fully inserted. She hasn’t had much experience, but her biggest before me was about 6.5″ according to her memory. She started to have sex with another guy, but stopped because she felt it was small, she estimates about 4″. She orgasms with me in literally under a minute with foreplay and 2-3 minutes without foreplay (every time).

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