Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Enforcing Domestic Violence law is limiting the individual rights in the guise of protecting women

The biological meanings of human sex roles are different since a man and women results from a complex interplay of biochemical events. The centuries old view link women with emotion and men with rationality, feminists view added fuel to this view that human brains are gendered. The anthropological perspective of man is different from women, that women nurture and men hunt. Feminists oppose this view as a womens place in society is an effect of biological predisposition towards family life. If we look at the origin of feminism, it actually started in 19th century seeking for equal rights with men, however it has altered the aspects of western society from culture to law. Men played a significant role in feminist movements, though there were pro and anti effects, men accepted gender equality. Any discrimination is rampant if it is affecting the personal, professional and social life. In 21st century the gender equality took many forms and changed the system to act gender-biased. Gender is a destiny; hence human expression naturally resists the imposition of artificial boundaries. In 21st century the gender equality movements resulted in implementation of certain laws to protect and empower women world wide. The hidden dimensions of these laws are discussed.

Acceptance of gender-based violence as a threat to Womens health was formalized when 189 governments signed on to the Platform for Action of the 1995 United Nations at Beijing World Conference on Women and subsequently further Actions and Initiatives to Implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (United Nations, 2000) were made. Ever since gender based violence is transformed into violence against women (VAF) and the definition for this gender-based violence is physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life. Surprisingly this definition includes all forms of violence against women over the entire lifecycle, pity to now that men have no protection under this law. Actually by definition, Violence against family members including partner, irrespective of gender who is engaged in a live in relationship or a marriage is called domestic violence. By the time this law took form, United Nations, World Health Organization (WHO), including Human Rights Commission completely ignored that in a society there are two genders; hence any such law which is made for the benefit of a society should be made gender-neutral. Feminists also overlooked elders and children as part of the family system and can be victims of Domestic Violence.

Further nine out of the 11 Member countries of WHOs South-East Asia (SEA) Region highlighted issues of gender-based violence (GBV) during 2007, made arrangements to implement policies to prevent GBV in all other Asian countries. The views of actual domestic violence act where violence against any of the family member is now completely changed to violence only against women. Finding the root cause of domestic violence in family system is lacking, however accepted with the myth that men are strong, aggressive and abusive, whereas women are weak, mild and tolerant hence it is taken for granted that only men are responsible for violence. Actually the domestic abuse may start from either of the partner, once it is established the assaults can become more frequent and more violent. Violence arises from a combination of individual biological and psychological characteristics as well as social, economic and political factors. None, man or a woman, would hit anyone simply, unless they hadn’t gotten the message that hitting is how conflict and stress are handled. Very important to note that violence is not inherent to human beings and it is not an inherently male trait. A survey analysis from the USA, agreed that it is family violence is not always gender specific, as women can also abuse and batter men. An article written by Sam and Bunny Sewell on feminist view of domestic violence vs scientific study reveals that rather females are most often the perpetrators in spousal violence. Men and children may not report when they are injured by a woman, however, the dead bodies of the men and children who are the victims of violent women are usually reported. Women are encouraged to report spousal violence by countless media reminders. Propaganda always includes the female victim and the male perpetrator. Men are discouraged from claiming to be victims of violent women. However, misleading statistics are deliberate fund raising tactics for women’s shelters.

While the violence against women (VAF) is taking a shape and gaining attention from all over the world, the Intimate partner violence (IPV) by women against men has been the subject of much debate. Further, it was framed and accepted that insecure men use domestic violence to maintain power. Already biased by the myth that men can only provoke violence, complaints from men are hardly attended whereas complaints from women bring all source and force from police and judiciary. Every man has the right to be safe from all kinds of assaults. No woman, including wife, has the right to batter man. When law is not supporting men how can men survive?

UN survey which focused only on women problem, side tracking mens issues, reports that the consequences of gender-based violence are devastating, including life-long emotional distress, mental health issues and poor reproductive health. Increasing rate of divorce in the world and even in developing countries like India are suggesting that gender biased laws fail to help families to built. It is known from various statistics that 50% of marriages are ending with divorce, and 67% in case of second marriages. As the intellectuals from all over the world are speculating, one day world will be left with single parents and may be only with centenarians. The consequences of gender biased system always favor one group and neglect other. Even in case of judicial separation a large percentage of men are experiences depression and stress, which is once again due to men fail to get social/societal support as women get. By the time a man gets divorce he is extracted of all his money, job and social status, whereas it is other way around for a woman, as she gets money, job, social status, sympathy and despite of all this protective legal provisions. When youth are considered to be pillars of societal growth, cutting of their aims and dreams with social discrepancies may demand high price and burden to the society. This is leading to more and more men committing suicide.

Instead of imposing laws on human race in the name gender discrimination and categorizing men as villains and women as innocent, there should be a better way of solving the problem. Blindly implementing such laws in the name to protect women may lead to gross misuse is leading to disharmony in the family system and disaster to the human race. After implementing domestic violence laws we see a sharp rise in cases registered against men under violence against women. If any one carefully observes the outcome of these ceases, most of them resolve after paying huge amounts to women who has failed the case. Women started abusing the legal provision to extort money from husband and in-laws. Hence, resolving the conflict and understanding the root cause is a must before any action plan. The conflict between two individuals in any relationship may lead to abuse, assault which could burst into violence. There are always certain measures to consider before assessing the extent of abuse. If the legal provisions made to protect women consider these measures, maintaining family harmony is not too far. Also the study measures always should give an equal opportunity to the partner to present the positive behavior in their relationship. In a democracy a law should not suffer with inequality. Human relations are built on pillars of emotions, social and economic standards. Once the sensitive bond is broken in a relationship, no system can re-built.

It is believed that in a strictly conditioned and biased society women are only the victims of domestic violence however the truth is men are equally been exposed to domestic violence which is unnoticed. Mens issues or problems are unheard hence men remained to be unquestioned victims. Men contribute equal to the society promotion, but only women get tax exception/relaxation, reservation, and benefited with special welfare schemes and caring ministries. Punishment to women is less severe and shorter compared to men, alarming the anti-male bias in the courts and in the criminal justice system. Though feminists are aware of the truth behind domestic violence they hold fast and blame men as villains. When people talk about equal human rights, why should there be a gender biased society, let it be gender-neutral consideration and there should be gender-neutral laws to punish both men and women equally. These laws should hold gender neutral, family friendly and community preserved family system. Courts and legislatures should resist efforts to limit individual rights in the guise of protecting women, men should be given equal opportunity to speak and prove their innocence. We raise our voice of equality before the law regardless of gender.

A note to all men: do not inclined to feel funny when your wife/partner attacks you verbally, emotionally or physically. Do not fight back with her as it is not a very good idea. If children aren’t involved, leave her alone, so you stand less of a chance being charged with assault and save your other family members. Gender equity is vital to development as agreed by all Nations across the globe. Gender equality means an equal visibility, empowerment and participation of both sexes in all spheres of public and private life. Gender equality is the opposite of gender inequality, not of gender difference as stated by human rights that equality between women and men. Men and women both form a society. Forcing laws at the cost of gender inequality demands heavy price. Save family system and build society with harmony.

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