Young man :- MAD
498A woman :- COW
Nation facing :- Mad-Cow-disease
When young man is mad with INDIAN woman, they are not aware that many such woman have secret disease like 498A and DV. These 498A women are no better than cow and the disease they spread to their in-laws are mad-cow-disease; symptoms that are not recognized initially but when they show there is no cure.
The epidemic is spread by a particular kind of MOSQUITO bite called 498A as well as DV, which people in INDIA discovered in 1986. Since then people all over the country discover many such kind of MOSQUITO in every walks of life.
For example, when you switch on your TV or change from “TV serial” to “News Channel” you see such MOSQUITO making humming noise around.
You visit your sick parents there also you can find such humming MOSQUITO.
Although these are single individual MOSQUITOs you can not kill them or drive them out – no way. If you analyze minutely you can discover that they are not living in your world, you are living in their world. You do not have any Government, military, police, court but they have all these in a much more effective manner.
The house you are living in is not yours, its her; you are just a tenant. As per this tenancy law you, your parents, siblings, and any elders or children no matter whatever condition they are in, can be evicted selectively with a very short notice. It does not need any explanation or justification.
Make no mistake, the job you are in right now is not yours its “their Government-job” and you can be en-slaved to make them happier, richer.
You see, we the HuMAN, do not eat our flesh but there are some kind of Chimps that do eat flesh of rivals. A big group of Chimps attack small group, defeat them and eat them on the spot.
Actually human-scientists say, mad-cow disease is developed when a cow is given artificial food made partly with body-parts of dead cow. Human who consumes such cow slowly accumulates the disease that takes a fatal form at some point of life; about SEVEN YEARS after the infection.
This mad-cow disease has another variant. You should have noticed it in our society; you should take a differnt point of view then only you can recognize.
For example, take a 498A woman. If she fights with your mother or sister(s) then the disease is already matured to destroy the family, there is no return or remedy.
Remember, prevention is better than cure so first step for this is take a HUGE DOWRY in the form of money/currency, that you can manage.
The fact is that money is very much essential to survive. Especially when you see MOSQUITO flying around you can beat them with such a note and she will fly away, when you see their-agents follow you, slap them with notes they will leave; remember to keep currency notes ready while you slap.