Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Truth About WCD/NCW False propaganda on PWDVA

WCD/NCW always claiming there are lakhs of Women are harassed every year, just to claim huge Funds (25,000 Crore Aprox yearly) from the government and BETI BACHAO team happy to allocate it.

NCRB in its report (attached below) shows total cases of PWDVA per year.

2014 = 426
2015 = 461
2016 = 437
2017 = 616
2018 = 579

If so from where WCD/NCW getting huge numbers ?

NCRB statiscs from NCRB report from 2014 to 2018

WCD/NCW fake propaganda on PWDVA

1 thought on “Truth About WCD/NCW False propaganda on PWDVA

  1. Really good info; we never cross check these and always beleived what WCD and NCW says, really they are promoting LEGAL TERRORISM

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