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We are an NGO(non-governmental organisation), which is a Non-Profit, Self-Help, Support Group for misused Domestic Violence, Dowry, Dowry Law [IPC 498A] Victims; and victims of other misused Gender biased Laws. Our aim is to reduce legal interference in simple inter-personal relationships, and to avoid victimisation of families by way of misuse of gender-biased laws. Last but not the least to instill a sense of value, and to inspire bonds based on respect and love, in both the partners who forms the basic building block of a family and hence a Nation.

We are a group of Men and Women from all age-groups, and are a part of the movement called MyNation Hope Foundation. [ Click here to Join]

We strongly denounce Law misuse by Indian wives(or daughter in laws & other instigators) to harass, innocent men and their family members, If you are harassed by misuse of law, Ask us if you need Advice on 498A, or Domestic Violence.

We oppose the Recent, Biased, Grey and loosely drafted Domestic Violence Act, which is one-sided, skewed, ready-for-misuse and totally against men and Families dependant on him. These laws must be amended so that chances of misuse are reduced, if not eliminated, these laws are heavily misused and just waiting to be misused further, in their present forms.

We fight against the harassment of the family members by people who misuse this law. Marriage breakdown has very far-reaching consequences, even with respect to the progress of Nations, as found by sociologists.

We also offer to support those who suffer from biased Divorce laws and the execution of it, and issues like child custody and welfare, because of step motherly policy of our law system towards men (Fathers) and his family (including womenfolk and elderly members of his family).

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Need help in terms of advice on family matter. Wife is harassing, whether out of her own thinking or on being prodded by her parents/sister I do not know but life has become hell and I am going through some serious depression because of it.

    Need to talk to someone who could help guide and if required help beyond on what all should be done (a) in order to bring correction in relationship and save marriage & family, (b) protect myself and my folks in future.


  2. We that is me my husband and our son are suffering because we married our son to a girl who is educted and works for an well known N G O. She had an affair which she continued after marriage. so we do not know why she got married?.we still tried to be nice and my son was keen to keep the marriage. Things were going on well . But she deserted with all the valuables and they asked for some little gifts given by them to my son which we returned. My son returned even his Shoes and socks given by themand signed compromise deed for mutual consent. their advocate was pressurising us for going to court soon but we could not do it so because of our mental and physical problem. It seems women get married just for some money and jwellery . Law is favouring them and they are exploiting the law . we are undergoing torture and uncertainity in life .Today we received a summon from gurgaon court to appear on 11 dec 2013 for maintenance with 100 pages all wrong allegation. we are in fix that with compromise deed we had agreed that we will not go to court for these things.please advise and help.

  3. Pl advice me how to defend myself from u/s 125 CrPC to 12 yrs daughter. Mother is working in Pvt bank pay slip submitted already. Giving maintenance from date of order 8/9/15. Wife is blackmailing Divorce against ₹20 Lacs. I’m working under State Government but not permanent. Through in person appearance I’m defending myself. She filled 125, 128 CrPC & coming in Court to take money. I need divorce immediately.

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We handle Women Centric biased laws like False Section 498A IPC, Domestic Violence(DV ACT), Divorce, Maintenance, Alimony, Child Custody, HMA 24, 125 CrPc, 307, 312, 313, 323, 354, 376, 377, 406, 420, 497, 506, 509; TEP, RTI and many more…

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