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Bail or Not to Bail

HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT ALLAHABAD, LUCKNOW BENCH ?Court No. – 23 Case :- BAIL No. – 2043 of 2015 Applicant :- Santosh Kumar Gupta @ Santosh Gupta Opposite Party :- State Of U.P. Counsel for Applicant :- Anil Kumar Tripathi,Asha Taneja,Jasbeer Singh Counsel for…

Section 498A/34 IPC quashed against some Revisionists

IN THE COURT OF MS. SMITA GARG, ADDITIONAL SESSIONS JUDGE ­ FAST TRACK COURT, WEST DISTRICT, TIS HAZARI COURTS, DELHI. Crl. Revision No. 56033/2016 In re: 1) Sh. Sunil Lalwani, S/o Sh. Mohan Lalwani, 2) Smt. Rekha Lalwani, W/o Sh. Mohan Lalwani 3) Sh. Puneet…

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Laws and Bare Acts of India
Important SC/HC Judgements on 498A IPC
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