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SC : Reputation of an Individual is an Insegregable Facet of his Right to Life with Dignity

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 6637-6638 of 2018 S. Nambi Narayanan …Appellant(s) VERSUS Siby Mathews & Others Etc. …Respondent(s) JUDGMENT Dipak Misra, CJI The appellant, a septuagenarian, a former Scientist of a Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), has…

When burden of proof is not on state to prove that particular person is foreigner?

IN THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT (THE HIGH COURT OF ASSAM, NAGALAND, MIZORAM AND ARUNACHAL PRADESH) WRIT PETITION (C) NO.1396/2011 Petitioner :Smti. Roimon Nessa, Vs Respondents :State of Assam, BEFORE HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE UJJAL BHUYAN. Date of Judgment : 28.02.2014. W .P (C) N o. 1396 of…

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