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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Written arguments/submissions cannot be overlooked by courts

IN THE HIGH COURT OF ANDHRA PRADESH AT HYDERABAD CRP No. 2577 of 2001 Decided On: 21.12.2004 Kamisetty Pedda Venkata Subbamma and Anr. Vs. Chinna Kummagandla Venkataiah ORDER S.R.K. Prasad, J. 1. The landlords have preferred this revision against the judgment rendered in RCA No….

Who can present registration of the Will under s.40 of Registration Act

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgement pronounced on:16.09.2013 W.P.(C) 5861 of 2013 & CM No.12921 of 2013 VEENA SURI ….. Petitioner Through: Mr. Rajkumar Sherawat & Mr. Rajesh Goswami, Advs. versus STATE OF NCT OF DELHI & ORS ….. Respondents Through:…

How to prove execution of revival letter for extending limitation for filing of suit?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN BENCH AT JAIPUR S.B.Civil Second Appeal No. 242 / 2013 Indra Mal vs State Bank of Bikaner Jaipur, MR. JUSTICE VIJAY KUMAR VYAS Dated: 04/01/2017. Citation: AIR 2017 Raj 66 1. The appeal has arisen out of judgment…

Maintenance with forged evidence quashed

High Court of Allahabad Criminal Revision No.6203 of 2006 Satendra Kumar Gupta Vs. State of U.P. and another Hon. A.K. Roopanwal, J. This criminal revision is directed against the order dated 27.9.06 passed by the Family Court, Gorakhpur in criminal case no.340/03, Smt. Kanchan Gupta…

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