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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

SC guidelines for determination of age of victim of an offence under the Pocso Act

 SUPREME COURT P. SATHASIVAM AND JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR, JJ. Jarnail Singh Vs. State Of Haryana Criminal Appeal No. 1209 of 2010 1st July, 2013 Citation: 2013 ALL MR (Cri) 2946 (S.C.) JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR, J. :- The factual position on which the prosecution version is founded,…

Juvenile Law – Order passed by CWC placing Minor Child in a Children Protection Home would be within its Powers confers u/s. 37 of the J.J. Act

HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT ALLAHABAD Bachchoo Lal Shamim Ahmed, JJ. HABEAS CORPUS WRIT PETITION No. – 390 of 2021; 30.6.2021 Vandana @ Bandana Saini And Another vs. State Of U.P. And 5 Others Counsel for Petitioner :- Anjeet Singh 1. Heard learned counsel for…

Whether juvenile is entitled to anticipatory bail?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF KERALA AT ERNAKULAM  PRESENT:MR. JUSTICE R. NARAYANA PISHARADI Bail Appl..No. 3320 of 2018 MR.X, S/O BABY V.M Vs THE STATE OF KERALA Dated: 5th day of June, 2018 Is an application for anticipatory bail at the instance of a child in…

Land Mark judgment in Juvenile Justice, Child rights, POCSO

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 473 OF 2005 Sampurna Behura ….Petitioner Versus Union of India & Ors. ….Respondents JUDGMENT Madan B. Lokur, J. 1. What can a citizen do if the State pays no attention to his…

When it is not necessary for court to hear accused on the point of sentence?

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.:Review Petition (crl.) 1105 of 2000 PETITIONER:RAM DEO CHAUHAN @ RAJ NATH Vs. RESPONDENT:STATE OF ASSAM DATE OF JUDGMENT: 10/05/2001 BENCH:R.P. Sethi JUDGMENT:SETHI,J. Equating him with a beast, this Court [2000 (7) SCC 455] confirmed the death sentence awarded to…

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