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Jurisdiction in Section 498A

Madhya Pradesh High Court Nirasha Sharma vs The State Of Madhya Pradesh on 1 December, 2014 M.Cr.C.3164/2014 01.12.2014 Shri Devendra Sharma, Advocate, for the Petitioner. Ku. Nutan Saxena, Public Prosecutor, for the respondent No.1/State. Shri Alok Sharma, Advocate, for the respondent No.2. This petition has…

No one can be ‘summoned’ to the police station orally by police officials without incharge’s approval

Allahabad High Court Court No. – 9 Case :- HABEAS CORPUS WRIT PETITION No. – 80 of 2022 Petitioner :- Ram Vilas Thru. Daughter Sarojani And Another Respondent :- State Of U.P. Thru. Prin. Secy. Home And Others Counsel for Petitioner :- Letter Petition Counsel…

Whether court can compel the victim of Rape to undergo DNA test?

ALLAHABAD HIGH COURT Case :- CRIMINAL REVISION No. – 477 of 2021 Revisionist :- Gulafsa Begum Opposite Party :- State of U.P. Coram: Hon’ble Mrs. Sangeeta Chandra,J. Dated:  3.12.2021 (1) Heard the learned counsel for the parties and perused the record. (2) This Criminal Revision has…

Mahindra Kumar Narendra And Ors

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI SUBJECT: QUASHING OF  FIR WP (Crl) No 77/2004 Date of Decision : 18.11.2004 Mahindra Kumar Narendra & Ors.                              ..Appellant Through Mr. Mr.Rahul Gupta with Mr.Rakesh Mukhija and Mr.S.Tabrez, Advocates                                           Versus State & Ors.                                                                ..Respondents No.1…

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