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SC Judgement on Delhi Gang Rape

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS. 607-608 OF 2017 (arising out of S.L.P. (Criminal) Nos. 3119-3120 of 2014) Mukesh & Anr. …Appellants Versus State for NCT of Delhi & Ors. …Respondents WITH CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS. 609-610 OF 2017 (arising…

Material evidence required for Conviction

Delhi High Court Bench: R Sodhi, P Bhasin Ran Singh @ Ram Singh And Ors. vs State [Along With Criminal Appeal No. 722 Of 2004] on 30/4/2007 JUDGMENT P.K. Bhasin, J. 1. In these two appeals six accused persons have challenged their conviction under Section…

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