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Doctors convicted for giving ‘medical asylum’ to accused ex-MLA

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA ORIGINAL JURISDICTION CONTEMPT PETITION (CIVIL) NO.374 OF 2014 IN CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.1834 OF 2013 Sita Ram ……Petitioner Versus Balbir @ Bali …. Respondent JUDGMENT Uday Umesh Lalit J. This petition under Section 12 of the Contempt of Courts Act,…

No return of marriage expenses to wife/in-laws

Bombay High Court Sudha Suhas Nandanvankar vs Suhas Ramrao Nandanvankar on 15 September, 2004 Author: S Mhase Bench: S Mhase, R Mohite JUDGMENT S.B. Mhase, J. 1. This appeal is directed against the Judgment and Order passed in Misc. Application No. 60 of 2000 on…

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