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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Maintenance denied to wife for ‘refusing to live with aged mother-in-law’

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JHARKHAND AT RANCHI Criminal Revision No.172 of 2022 Rudra Narayan Ray, son of late Dr. Prasanta Ray, resident of First Fidar Road, Bankura, P.O., P.S. & District Bankura (West Bengal) …… …… Petitioner Versus 1. Piyali Ray Chatterjee, wife of…

No Maintenance u/s Crpc 125 if wife deserts husband

Uttaranchal High Court IN THE HIGH COURT OF UTTARAKHAND AT NAINITAL Criminal Revision No. 201 Of 2006 Smt. Archana Gupta & Another .. Revisionists. Versus Sri Rajeev Gupta & Another .Respondents Mr. M.K. Goyal, learned counsel for the revisionists. Mr. Rakesh Thapliyal, learned counsel for…

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