AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

What she will Gain…?

One of the reader after reading my whole struggle, biography, sent mail asking me;
By doing this what she will gain.
Why she was so foolish to spoil her marriage;
If she wanted Divorce as she demanded in Second week of marriage, why she married to me.

I said…..

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? [Mark 8:36 ]

I Repeated words from Bible;

What is the use, gaining nothing and losing marriage too ? In her Attempt for FREEDOM, hide truth and past, she lost her own marriage, Family.

I`m sure she did not gain anything. Even she loved someone else but married to me, but he will not marry her;? nor can she go back to him. ? NO.

If she marry again, she may get better husband, still I left a mark in her life, and my son always question her sooner or later, as he will come to know the truth, as of now all her neighbors knows, about her past. Someday my son will raise this question and make her Answerable, and she will not find any words.

I know, she earn handful of money, as she claim she earn 50,000 Per Month, she will get all comforts, still she has no roof her own, over her head.

She wanted to be with her parents and sisters, now she has everyone, as before marriage, then why she married to me…?
To be divorced, ONLY…?

Now she has everything she dreamt, FREEDOM, Money and her Relatives….

What is the use gaining all, and lose her own marriage.

I seen her walking alone on Dubai Street at night, work late night, for few dirhams more.

She calls home once in 10 days or so, to talk to son, for few minutes, mostly she is talking to her mother only.

She fly home once in 2 years or so, just to be with her so called relatives.

Our son is not that attached to her, as he hardly know her. She ruined his life for her comforts; someday he will claim what he lost, his lost childhood. And she will be answerable, responsible.

Now our son watch daily her Father drink and her brothers are born alcoholic, and what if he also follow the same.

It is her Destiny, and its in her hand to change it.

If she do good, she will get good. She already done BAD…. so she….

What is the use doing all this, and gaining…NOTHING.

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