AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

Feminists Attack

After Konkan Kannya episode, one HARDCORE feminist came online to fight with me, when I checked her YAHOO id it was created same day, and today when I checked same Profile is deleted. That means she just created that profile to ARGUE with me only.

First she sound like one of my ex relative, whoever she was, she tried to prove women are Victim always and they are SAINTS.

Feminists: Why do you Blame women always.

rudy3107: BLAME for what.

Feminists::-for their mistakes.

rudy3107 ::-you only say “for their mistakes? so you admit they make mistakes; what?s wrong in blaming them, for their mistakes. We are doing anything wrong in that ? By showing their mistakes

Feminists::-gurrrrrrrrrrr, I mean to say. In your every post you blame women for all mistakes, you term them as Prostitutes….

rudy3107 ::-so ?

rudy3107 ::- what mistakes ? I do not blame women for men mistakes. You know, you admit this say “Behind Every successful man, there is a women” Right ?

Feminists::- yeas, that?s true.

rudy3107 ::- why not behind every unsuccessful man, there is women hand ? If 1st one is right, why not this ? You want to take credits only ?

Feminists::- I?m not saying that.

rudy3107 ::- yea yea, actually I wanted to say Behind Every crime man commit there is women hand…..

Feminists::- why do u say so ?

rudy3107 ::- most of the things man is doing, he is doing it for his women, as per me. She is source of inspiration. He has to do many things to meet her demands. Requirements of home and family.

Feminists::- yea, that?s his Responsibility.

rudy3107 ::-what?s wife?s responsibility then ?

rudy3107 ::- Spend his hard earned money lavishly ?

rudy3107 :- Flirt with lovers, extra marital Affairs…..

Feminists::- see that?s what I was saying, why do you term women as …..

rudy3107 ::- I do not want to term women as ^$%&%, but I want to brand them that.

Feminists::- y?

rudy3107 ::- because most are like that. I wrote, what I saw. Hope you gone through KONKAN KANNYA.

rudy3107 ::- do YOU blame MEN FOR THIS TOO ?

Feminists::- yes, man is responsible for that.

rudy3107 ::-How come ?

rudy3107 ::-OK I admit, man is responsible, and women are INNOCENT ?


rudy3107::- As in Konkan Kannya, if that girl was SAINT, as you say, why didn?t she slapped when he approached her. She should have shouted for help and handover that man to police, why she lift her T-Shirt, give him to suck (.)(.)s

Feminists::- that?s one incident, you can?t blame all women just like that.

rudy3107 ::- where I said all men are like that and they are SAINTS ?

rudy3107 ::- Think I have needle and you have thread, and I ask you to put that thread into the needle, but when you try to pass thread in the eye of needle, I will twist and shake the needle, can you Able to put it in ?

Feminists::- NO, not all,

rudy3107 ::- so moral of the story, if a woman is not agreeing it?s difficult to do anything. These wordings are used in one of the RAPE case, girl filled RAPE case on an innocent man, but girl was not having any bruise on her. And same can be applied anywhere, unless I hold the needle you can?t put threat in it, unless girl agree, boy can?t do anything, Affair or Love, its man nature try to get someone for love. Is that wrong. So you can?t blame men for all, you can?t clap in one hand. Teach your modern women morals 1st, men will learn by themselves.

rudy3107 ::-Teach them dress correctly, without exposing their assets and Provoke men, so some men get out of control and RAPE someone, we can?t help it.

rudy3107 ::-Teach your modern women, family Responsibilities

Feminists::- so you justify RAPE, and man is Right.

rudy3107 ::-if man was right in RAPE, why there is punishment in penal code?

Feminists::-what family responsibilities ? Most women do and know that.

rudy3107 ::- I said modern women. I know there are good women. I?m not taking about them.


rudy3107 ::-how many working women share half financial burden of running home ? go and check any matrimonial site, where girl is asking, she want to find a man who is financially strong, well settled, educated, own house / car etc etc.

rudy3107 ::- Have you ever seen a Girl is saying let?s build a new house, and I will give half money ? But if Divorced she want half of husband Property. Money, maintenance, alimony Why ?

Feminists::- that?s system…

rudy3107 ::-what system ? I seen girls saying

rudy3107 ::-I never been to kitchen in my Daddy?s house,

rudy3107 ::-Chapatti belnekeliye nahi ayee hoon

rudy3107 ::-and you know, what my Ex said ? “I?m not your slave to do household work” they think whatever they do is right, and shed crocodile tears , cry and all will believe, and law also in your side…..

rudy3107 ::- hellloooooooooo

rudy3107 ::- r u there……?

She was not only disappeared but deleted her id too…..

PS: Any Feminist want to ARGUE more, Please send PING to my yahoo messenger id “rudy3107“, it snot a mail id, so do not send emails.


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