AutoBiography of a Dowry Law Victim

My Struggle with Legal Terrorism

What women Want

As i wrote in earlier post, I have been getting many marriage proposals, from known and unknown Friends, those who watching me for years.

I did not asked anyone to find a Better half for me, still, as they found out i am.

Non Alcoholic
Non Smoker
Drugs NO
gamble NO
Flirt NO.
Good Job YES
Bank Balance YES
Resourceful YES
Trustworthy YES

So many offer came on my way, Even one married women, Boldly said in a Party, in front of Her own husband, She want to marry me…. and that Pathetic Husband name is Jude miranda.

Out of many one came Online to CHAT with me, as i told Her Sponsor that i wanted to talk to her.

Here is CHAT session……(initial hi/bye are omitted)

RUDY:- What are you looking for in your Future Husband
MIW :- Someone Good, having Good Job and high status in Society.
RUDY:- What do you mean high status….. Car / Bunglow / servants
MIW :- yes, yes
RUDY:- what about Bank Balance,
MIW :- If he has Good job, he will have Bank balance NA…..!
RUDY:- So you mean to say, you are looking for RICH Stud…..
MIW :- πŸ™‚
MIW :- Not exactly……
RUDY:- ?
MIW :- You are OK……
RUDY:- But i do not have all those what you wanted.
MIW :- I know, you have all, MR.x told me, You earn 6 Figure Salary.
RUDYπŸ˜• =))? Dollar or Rupees…
MIW :- I know.? =))
RUDY:- I do not have Car or never employ servants, as long as i can do myself.
MIW :- X-( let see.
MIW :- I know you can cook and know all house hold things….
RUDY:- Who told you that….Mr.x…..?
RUDY:- Yes i can cook, very well and do my stuff and keep my house perfect, that not mean that i will cook for you, I will help you in Kitchen / Laundry / cleaning etc etc. I will take 50% responsibility of House…..
MIW :- Ok, thats good.
RUDY:- You Never seen me, still you are ready to marry me….!
MIW :- Mr.x told me, how you look like……thats why i agreed.
RUDY:- Im Short, only 5.5Ft
RUDY:- and Dark too, may be people can call us, BLACK & WHITE πŸ™‚
MIW :- Nooooooooooo…. I know, you are not short, you are almost 6Ft,Slim,Very Active and not at all Dark.
RUDY:- so you people done very good Post Mortem πŸ™‚
MIW :- not like that……
RUDY:- What else you know about me…?
MIW :- You have Big Land and House…
MIW :- You have 2 Brothers and No sisters….
RUDY:- No sisters….@ Good For you Right…?
MIW πŸ˜• πŸ™‚
RUDY:- My Old Mother is still There, and we are still joint Family.
MIW :- OK, but after marriage we will not stay there, We will build separate house right ?
RUDY:- You will not stay with my mother….
MIW :- ………..
RUDY:- Hellooooooooo r u there….?
MIW :- ………..
RUDY:- Yes, we can….Last year i estimated to build a house in Mangalore, at least 20 Lakhs needed,
MIW :- Good Good…
RUDY:- You have Equal Rights Right ?
MIW :- Absolutly.
RUDY:- 50/50
MIW :- yea
RUDY:- So you will Give 10 Lakhs Right ?
MIW :- What….? ?:-t
RUDY:- Half is yours, so half You will pay,
MIW :- Nooooo
MIW :- I donot have money….
RUDY:- You are working for many years, what you did with all the money.
MIW :- its in Bank, thats mine.
RUDY:- If Half mine is yours, why not Your Half is mine….?? =))? =))
MIW :- Dot Laugh…..
RUDY:- Whatever mine is yours and yours also Yours, thats what you are saying…..
MIW :- Yea, but i cann`t give that much money to build house….
RUDY:- If you cann`t but your Father Can right ?
MIW :- Yea, But i have other 2 sisters…..
RUDY:- so he can give it to other 2 sisters, Why not you….?
MIW :- uuummmmmmmmmmmm :-w
RUDY:- You want me to share your half house work, but you will not share anything or take responsibilities, you will not contribute to build house, you are happy when i do house work,But you will not share my burdon…..
MIW :- You are very difficult person…..
RUDY:- Sure….. Why not
RUDY:- You want me to spend on you, Pay your bills, but you will not contribute anything in return.
MIW :- No, i will make you happy….
RUDY:- How…?
MIW :- You know it….. ?:)
RUDY:- You Mean sex….?
MIW :- he he……? πŸ™‚
RUDY:- Do you think Man is happy with sex only…..?
MIW :- I dunno.
RUDY:- then.
MIW :- …….
RUDY:- then its very expesive sex …..I have to spend so much,just for sex…..?
MIW :- What do you want then.
RUDY:- I want a simple poor Girl, Who is down to earth, Know her Domestic Responsibilities, Share Love and Duty,sacrifies things, without expecting anything.
MIW :- ………….
RUDY:- But you wanted Rich Man, who has CAR / Bunglow / Servents, you never said you wanted someone who LOVE you,
MIW :- ………..
RUDY:- So you are after Money only…… and you will not marry someone Poor, who love you lot and care for you.
MIW :- ……………..
MIW :- Bye
RUDY:- Dear you Found a wrong person then…..
MIW :- bye……
RUDY:- You Should say GOOD BYE.

…….Line Disconnected.

Now you Know, What Women Want…..

DATE: 27-Aug-2008

After this Historic Event, next day her Uncle SAM, Mr.X came to my Office with Technic coloured face, and started to question me….
and said i Insulted her, If i do not want to marry then i should have told him before.
I humbly asked, When i asked him to forward girls Proposal, or i wanted to marry.?…..
He himself Forced her on me, now Blaming me.
Then he accused me, that i wanted to have sex with her before marriage, to check if she is OK in BED or not.
That was ultimate boundry of my patience.
I said nothing, than showing whole chat……
and i said,Your Lady Madam want everything from me, but she will not give anything in return.
she clearly said, she do not want to live with my mother or Family home.
She expect me to cook / clean for her.
Even she works, she will not share or take responsibility to run home.
Do you expect me to take such white buffallo, home….?
She says, she will make me happy with sex, which women is not doing that. ? i questioned.
there was silence…..
He was searching for words……
i continued, even i do not wanted to tell, but she Blamed me falsey about SeX, when i exposed her and blacked her face.
If i want just sex, then for less i will get new Girl Every night for less, no need to spend so much…..

Even before my sentense finished, he walked away, without any word.

8 thoughts on “What women Want

  1. Awesome reeeeead of the dirty/greediness of a female mind.
    Wonder why our ancient sacred texts have’nt ever given equality to the sexes whereas west had and is now facing consequences of disorientation and SINGLE society.

  2. This is what is true reality of today’s woman. The sooner the better the men realize this.

  3. Summary: I will give you sex, and take even your soul and life(all all which is material too) in return…… is this not worse than what parasites do?, what prostitutes do?.

  4. Awesome. The point you are throwing – equality is eqality of sharing responsibilies and sex should not be a thing of bargain( at this cost ) than expression of love and care is truely true. have fun looking at the girls who expects the guy to do all the sharing and leaving stuff while they stand non-comittal. Dears..arose..Eqality should be acheived by one’s own potential. It can not be begged or bargained.

  5. Hi all,

    I also was questioned about the ‘services’ my ex had given to me, yes by her own maternal uncle(mama!), when our relationship got strained and I wanted a divorce……. if she and her folks continued to behave like in the past.

    Mama asked me: “But what about the fact that she shared the bed with you, for all this time!”

    I replied: What about that, I shared the bed with her too!, so whats your point!?

    Mama: Silent…. phone disconnects!

    Since he knew I was talking about equality, not a service provider and user/consumer situation!, and hence obligations therein!.

    This is some girl’s and their folks mentality: sex given = everything to be taken, even soul and life of a man.

    To hell with that thought/metality, there are some nice sex dolls in the market, if this is the case… buy them if one needs sex that much. But if one can see the little happiness scattered all around our world, of sharing, of doing good to others, go that way- anyway forget sex(in uncomfortable, one-way! marriages), since that’s a “thing of barter”” these days.

    A barter in which man is expected to lose his free-will and soul too!. NOT WORTH IT, NOT WORTH IT AT ALL.

  6. I’m a woman too…But guys not every woman is like what you said. There are still good women outside, though maybe very few…

  7. good job u have don dear..especialyy with that sam uncle….all girl r liers….how she lied that boy wanted to have sex before marriage…bastard !

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