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498A IPC / RPC Quash against Husband & family based on Territorial Jurisdiction

HIGH COURT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR AT JAMMU 561_A No. 100 OF 2016 Akshay Kachroo and anr…Petitioners Dr. Ishita Ganjoo…Respondent Mr. P.N.Raina, Sr. Advocate with Mr. J.A.Hamal, Ms. Monika Kohli, Advocate Honble Mr. Justice Janak Raj Kotwal, Judge Date: 20.02.2017 :J U D G M…

Disipilinary action against Police officials for refusal of FIR where cognizable offence is reported

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI SUBJECT : CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE W.P (Crl.) No.1266 of 2007 Reserved on: 26.9.2007 Date of Decision: 10.10.2007 Sonu and others …….Petitioners Through : Mr.Tarun Sharma,Advocate versus Govt. of NCT of Delhi and another ……… Respondents…

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