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IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY NAGPUR BENCH, NAGPUR CRIMINAL APPLICATION (APL) NO.737 OF 2019 1. Vaibhav s/o Dattuji Jagtap, Aged about 31 yrs., Occ: Legal Practioner. 2. Dattuji s/o Deorao Jatap, Aged about 62 yrs., Occ: Retired Govt. Servant. 3. Smt. Asha…

Criminal case to be decided before civil suit of Hindu Marriage Case

HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH, JABALPUR BENCH AT INDORE S.B.: Hon’ble Shri Justice Subodh Abhyankar Miscellaneous Petition No.345/2020 Anant s/o Om Prakash Parey Versus Sheetal w/o Anant Parey * * * * * Mr. Anant Parey, petitioner is present in person. Mr. Prasanna R. Bhatnagar,…

Section 498a quashed with 482 CrPC

Telangana High Court Nenavath Hanumanthu Naik … vs Smt. M. Nirmala Bai, W/O N. … on 11 June, 2018 Bench: THE HON’BLE SRI JUSTICE M.SATYANARAYANA MURTHY CRIMINAL PETITION NO.1578 OF 2014 ORDER: This criminal petition is filed under Section 482 of Criminal Procedure Code (for…

Passport renewal for 10 years even Section 498-A is pending

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPLICATION NO.1 OF 2019 IN CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.306 OF 2019 Ashok Roopchand Jain … Applicant Versus The State of Maharashtra & Ors. … Respondents Mr.Siddharth Jagushte, Advocate for the Appellant/Applicant. Mr.S.V.Gavand, the Additional…

Neglected person is only entitled for maintenance

BEFORE THE LXVI ADDL.CITY CIVIL & SESSIONS JUDGE, BENGALURU CITY. (CCH-67) DATED: This the 25 th day of August, 2020 PRESENT Smt. K.KATHYAYANI, B.Com., L.L.M ., LXVI Addl.City Civil & Sessions Judge, Bengaluru. Criminal Appeal No.1178 of 2016 Appellants: Venkatesh Shetty, S/o late Krishnaiah Shetty,…

Arrest without 41(a) CrPC Notice, Contempt against Police and Disciplinary action

Telangana High Court Ramadugu Omkar Varma vs Sri. Ashok Naik on 24 January, 2020 Bench: M.S.Ramachandra Rao HONOURABLE SRI JUSTICE M.S.RAMACHANDRA RAO Contempt Case No.1179 of 2019 Order : This Contempt Case is filed by petitioner against the respondent for arresting the petitioner without issuing…


IN THE COURT OF SUMITRA KADIAN, (UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION CODE No. HR0369) CIVIL JUDGE (JUNIOR DIVISION), GURUGRAM. Date of Application:-26.03.2019 Date of Order: 26.11.2019 CIS No.CS-6241-2018 CNR No.HRGR-02-004872-2018 Ganesh Awasthi & Ors. Vs. Secretary, Home Department, Haryana & ors. APPLICATION UNDER ORDER 7 RULE 11 CPC…

After IPC 498A acquittal husband can seek Divorce on cruelty Ground

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO.8871 OF 2019 (Arising out of SLP(Civil) No.1981 of 2019) RANI NARASIMHA SASTRY APPELLANT(S) VERSUS RANI SUNEELA RANI RESPONDENT(S) O R D E R Leave granted. Appellant appeared in-person. The respondent, despite service did…

When unnatural death of married woman would not amount to Dowry death?

In the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi (Before R.K Gauba, J.) Shiv Ram & Ors. v. State of Delhi Citation: 2018 SCC OnLine Del 13127 Crl. A. 496/2002 Decided on December 7, 2018 The Judgment of the Court was delivered by R.K Gauba,…

Prosecution unsuccessful to entirely prove mandate of both Section 113B of Evidence Act and Section 304B, IPC

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.1081 OF 2010 (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No.5450 of 2009) Durga Prasad & Anr. … Appellants Vs. The State of M.P. … Respondent J U D G M E N T ALTAMAS KABIR,…

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