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Whether party can be permitted to set up new case or new cause of action by amendment of plaint?

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Civil Appeal No. 18 of 1963 Decided On: 10.09.1965 A.K. Gupta and Sons Vs. Damodar Valley Corporation Hon’ble Judges/Coram: A.K. Sarkar, Raghubar Dayal and V. Ramaswami, JJ. Citation: AIR 1967 SC 96. The Judgment of Sarkar and Ramaswami JJ….

Justice Dhingra Vs CBI against Bribe and case after 11 years

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of Reserve: July 26, 2010 Date of Order: 16th August, 2010 CRL.M.C. 1436/2009 % 16.08.2010 A.K.GUPTA ….. Petitioner Through: Mr. Ajay Burman, Advocate Versus STATE THR. C.B.I. ….. Respondent Through: Mr. Harish Gulati, Advocate for…

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