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FIR can be Quashed to Prevent Abuse of Law or to Secure Ends of Justice u/s 561-A

HIGH COURT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR AT JAMMU 561-A Cr.P.C. No. 226/2015 MP No. 01/2015 Date of decision: 28.07.2017 Sandupal Dutta & ors. V. Cdr. Urmilla Bhat Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Judge. Appearing Counsel: For the petitioner(s) : Mr. Parimoksh Seth, Advocate….

MP HC: Quash against In-laws for omnibus allegations in 498A

IN THE HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH: BENCH AT INDORE. SINGLE BENCH : HON’BLE SHRI JUSTICE ALOK VERMA M.Cr.C. No.3848/2016 Deepak Tejwani and others Vs. State of M.P. and another Shri Ajay Bagadia, learned counsel for the applicants. Shri Sudhanshu Vyas, learned counsel for respondent…

Abuse of 498A to get Divorce – Note to Law Commission and The Parliament

Andhra High Court Saritha vs R. Ramachandra on 9 July, 2002 Author: B Swamy Bench: B Swamy, G Yethirajulu ORDER B.S.A. Swamy, J. 1. The appellant is the petitioner in OP No.58 of 1998 on the file of the Family Court, Secunderabad. She filed the…

Abuse of Law – 498A quashed

Patna High Court CRIMINAL MISCELLANEOUS No.2113 OF 2003 In the matter of an application under section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. 1.DHANANJAY KUMAR TIWARY @ DHANANJAY TIWARY 2.Sanjay Tiwary, Both sons of Satish Chandra Tiwary 3.Lali Devi wife of Sri Sanjay Tiwary 4.Poonam…

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