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Can cooling-off period U/ S 13-B(2) of Hindu Marriage Act for divorce by mutual consent be waived?

 In the High Court of Bombay (Before Nitin W. Sambre, J.) Kovelamudi Kanika Dhillon Vs Kovelamudi Surya Prakash Rao Writ Petition (St) No. 93737 of 2020 Decided on October 26, 2020 Citation: 2020 SCC OnLine Bom 2054 Nitin W. Sambre, J.:— Parties to the Petition were married…

SC : First Mutual consent Divorce Decree Through Virtual Hearing

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION TRANSFER PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 833 OF 2019 MADHURI JAJOO … Petitioner(s) VERSUS MANOJ JAJOO … Respondent(s) O R D E R This is a petition filed under Section 25 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908…

Divorce by Mutual Consent when wife has withdrawn her Consent for Divorce

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN AT JODHPUR JUDGMENT Anil Khatwani vs. Nistha Khatwani S.B.CIVIL MISC. APPEAL NO. 1250/2008 DATE OF JUDGMENT : 10th May, 2012. PRESENT HON’BLE DR.JUSTICE VINEET KOTHARI Dr.Sachin Acharya, for the appellant – husband. Mr. T.R.Singh Sodha, for the…

Mutual Consent Divorce can be presented through Power of Attorney?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF BOMBAY Writ Petition St. No. 1788 of 2018 Decided On: 06.04.2018 Harshada Bharat Deshmukh Vs. Bharat Appasaheb Deshmukh Hon’ble Judges/Coram: Bharati H. Dangre, J. Citation: AIR 2018 Bom 148 1. The petitioner has approached this Court for quashing and setting…

Divorce : Best to end marriage that has broken down

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.: Transfer Petition (civil) 228 of 2004 PETITIONER:Sanghamitra Ghosh RESPONDENT:Kajal Kumar Ghosh DATE OF JUDGMENT: 20/11/2006 BENCH:G.P. MATHUR & DALVEER BHANDARI JUDGMENT: J U D G M E N T WITH TP (CRL.) NOS.105 & 171 OF 2004, TP (CIVIL)…

Whether party can add pleading regarding issue of law at any stage of proceeding?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF BOMBAY Writ Petition Nos. 12862 and 12863 of 2017 Decided On: 22.01.2018 Vishal Nitinkumar Kondhia Vs. Jahnvi Vishal Kondhia Hon’ble Judges/Coram:G.S. Kulkarni, J. Citation: 2018(3) MHLJ 823 1. Rule on both these petitions returnable forthwith. By consent of the parties…

In Mutual Consent Divorce, One spouse can not unilaterally withdraw Consent for Divorce

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION FAMILY COURT APPEAL NO.61 OF 2010 Mr.Prakash Alumal Kalandari, Age: 42 years, Occupation: Business, Indian Hindu, at present residing at 1/8 Five Star, Apartments 262,Bund Garden Road,PUNE -411 001. …Appellant Versus Mrs.Jahnavi Prakash Kalandari,…

498A Quash – Party back out from mutual settlement abuse of process of law

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI W.P.(CRL) 1450/2014 and Crl. M.A. No. 15097/2014 Decided on 3rd February, 2015 SEEMANT SINHA & ORS ….. Petitioners Through :Mr. Manoj Sharma and Mr. Praveen K. Maheshwari, Advs. with petitioners in person. versus STATE & ANR ……..

Power to waive the statutory period of six months not with court but under Article 142

IN THE HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB & HARYANA AT CHANDIGARH CR No.985 of 2016 (O&M) Date of decision:10.02.2016 Aminder Singh … Petitioner Vs. Harpreet Kaur … Respondent CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE AMIT RAWAL 1. Whether reporters of local newspapers may be allowed to see judgment?…

Section 13(i)(ia) divorce by mutual consent no time limit

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI MAT.APP.(F.C.) 113/2016 SANGEETA ….. Appellant Through : Mr. Manoj Kr. Srivastava and Mr. Anuj Tyagi, Advocates with appellant in person. versus ARUN JOON ….. Respondent Through : Respondent in person. CORAM: HON’BLE MS. JUSTICE HIMA KOHLI HON’BLE MS….

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