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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Order rejecting Section 125 CrPC application on basis of detectives’s report quashed

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment delivered on: 16.01.2019 CRL.REV.P. 332/2017 & Crl. M.A. 7397/2017 KAMLESH SHARMA & ORS ….. Petitioners versus STATE & ANR….. Respondents Advocates who appeared in this case: For the Petitioner : Mr. Umesh Sinha and Mr….

Whether court should proceed exparte even if there is no is proper service of summons?

In the High Court of Bombay (Before A.M Dhavale, J.) Jayshri Gajendra Mahajan, vs. Gajendra Pandit Mahajan, First Appeal No. 2815 of 2017 With CA/9798/2017 in FA/2815/2017 Decided on August 7, 2018 Citation: 2018 SCC OnLine Bom 2233 The Judgment of the Court was delivered by A.M…

Guidelines for granting interim relief under Domestic violence Act

BEFORE THE MADURAI BENCH OF MADRAS HIGH COURT DATED: 08/01/2013 CORAM THE HONOURABLE Mr.JUSTICE M.VENUGOPAL Criminal Revision Case (MD) No.482 of 2012 AND M.P.(MD) No.1 of 2012 1.K.Rajendran 2.Parvgathy Ammal … Petitioners Vs 1.Ambikavathy 2.The Inspector of Police, Valliyoor Police Station,Tirunelveli District. … Respondents Prayer…

Divorce if decree for restitution of conjugal rights is not obeyed by wife

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY BENCH AT AURANGABAD FAMILY COURT APPEAL NO. 32 OF 2004 Arun s/o Narayanrao Marathe Age 48 years, Occ. Service R/o. N.T.P.S. M.S.E.B. Eklahare …Appellant Nashik (Ori. Petitioner) versus Varsha w/o Arun Marathe Age 43 years, Occ. Service…

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