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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Moral and ethical values of Guardian considerd over physical comforts

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY ORDINARY ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION GUARDIANSHIP PETITION NO. 25 OF 2012 Angelina Miranda … Minor child Mr. Rajan Chawla …Petitioner Vs. Mr. Lisbon John Miranda …Respondent AND GUARDIANSHIP PETITION(L) NO. 163 OF 2012 Mrs. Louella Fernandes …Petitioner Vs….

Domestic violence, Dowry laws misused to harass elderly

IN THE COURT OF Dr. KAMINI LAU: ADDL. DISTRICT JUDGE­ II (CENTRAL):TIS HAZARI COURTS, DELHI CS No. 363/13 Unique Case ID No.: 02401C0575722010 Ganga Sharan Tripathi S/o Late Sh. Shiv Bali Tripathi R/o N­31/15­E­7, Ground Floor, Hardev Nagar, Jharoda,Delhi­110084. ………Plaintiff Versus 1. Arvind Tripathi S/o…

Rules for Child Custody – SC

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.:Appeal (civil) 1685-1686 of 2001 PETITIONER:R.V.SRINATH PRASAD Vs. RESPONDENT:NANDAMURI JAYAKRISHNA & ORS. DATE OF JUDGMENT: 02/03/2001 BENCH:D.P. Mohapatra & Shivaraj V. Patil JUDGMENT: .J D.P.MOHAPATRA,J. Leave granted. The controversy raised in this case relates to the interim custody of the…

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