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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Awarding 25% of the monthly income of the husband as maintenance is not excessive, While treating the pension as the monthly income

ALLAHABAD HIGH COURT Court No. – 38 Case :- CRIMINAL REVISION No. – 3032 of 2023 Revisionist :- Matapher Opposite Party :- State of U.P. and Another Counsel for Revisionist :- Praveen Kumar Tripathi,Shri Krishna Tripathi Counsel for Opposite Party :- G.A.,Jitendra Kumar Pandey,Pankaj Dwivedi…

Deceased employee sister is entitled to get family pension

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY NAGPUR BENCH AT NAGPUR SECOND APPEAL NO.447/2002 Hoorbanoo wd/o Sk. Sardar, Vs Shabnoorbee w/o Sk. Rashid, ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ CORAM:­ A. B. CHAUDHARI, J. DATED :­ 30.03.2016 Citation: 2017(2) ALLMR 204 1. Being   aggrieved   by   judgment…

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