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Interim maintenance denied to wife – Highly qualified and earning wife not disclosing her true income won’t be entitled to maintenance

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Reserved on: 06th September, 2023 Pronounced on: 12th December, 2023 MAT. APP. (F.C.) 243/2019 & CM APPL. 41758/2019 KAMAL SINGH Through: Mr. Pankaj Gupta & Ms. Kalsi, Advocates with person. versus KANTA BANGARI Through: Mr. Bhopal…

Qualified Women, Interim maintenance denied in DV case

Order below Exh.3 in Cri.M.A. no. 07/2017 Dipali Pachangane vs. Prakash Pachangane (CNR – MHST09–000014-2017) Application seeking interim maintenance of Rs. 10,000/- from non-applicant no.1 Prakash Mohan Pachangane. Non-applicant no.1 is husband of applicant. It is averred that non-applicant no.1 Prakash Panchangane has source of…

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