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Punjab-Haryana High Court Anisha Bhandari vs State Of Haryana on 20 January, 2005 Criminal Misc. No. 51525-M of 2003 Equivalent citations: II (2005) DMC 852 Bench: B Singh JUDGMENT Baldev Singh, J. JUDGMENT Baldev Singh, J. 1. This petition has been filed under Section 482 of the…

When court can take in to consideration material produced by accused at the time of framing of charge?

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.:Appeal (crl.) 497 of 2001 PETITIONER: State of Orissa RESPONDENT:Debendra Nath Padhi DATE OF JUDGMENT: 29/11/2004 BENCH: Y.K. Sabharwal, D.M. Dharmadhikari & Tarun Chatterjee JUDGMENT: J U D G M E N T [With SLP (Crl.) No.1912 of 2003 and…

Maintenance reduced

IN THE COURT OF SHRI P.S. TEJI : DISTRICT JUDGE -VI cum ADDITIONAL SESSIONS JUDGE, KARKARDOOMA COURTS, DELHI. C.R. No.15/2009 Sh. Jitender Sabharwal S/o Sh. B.M. Sabharwal R/o 48/25, Gali No.9, Nai Basti, Anand Parbat, New Delhi. ….. Petitioner VERSUS Smt. Rekha Sabharwal W/o Sh….

Temporary injunction in custody case

HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT ALLAHABAD, LUCKNOW BENCH   Court No. – 5    Case :- MISC. SINGLE No. – 2868 of 2012 Petitioner :- Smt. Divya Kaur Sabharwal (U/A 227) Respondent :- Additional Principal Judge Family Court Lucknow Petitioner Counsel :- Salil Kumar Srivastava…

Wear and Tear of Marital Life will not lead to divorce

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.:Appeal (civil) 20-21 of 1999 PETITIONER:SAVITRI PANDEY Vs. RESPONDENT:PREM CHANDRA PANDEY DATE OF JUDGMENT: 08/01/2002 BENCH:R.P. Sethi & Y.K. Sabharwal JUDGMENT:SETHI,J. Alleging cruelty and desertion against the husband, the appellant- wife approached the Matrimonial Court under Section 13 of the…

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