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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

To find further truth and other relevant facts witness examined u/s 165 Evidence act is required to be cross examined

HIGH COURT OF CHHATTISGARH, BILASPUR CRMP No. 574 of 2022 Besahu Lal Yadav S/o Ram Kishore Yadav Aged About 19 Years R/o Jaitpur,District- Shahdol (M.P.) —- Petitioner Versus State Of Chhattisgarh, Through The Station House Officer, Police StationJanakpur, District- Korea (C.G.) —- Respondent For Petitioner…

Bail – Mere examination of Principal star witness cannot be considered as a change in circumstance

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION (N.V. RAMANA, CJI) (A.S. BOPANNA, J.) (HRISHIKESH ROY, J.) July 12, 2021 CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 586 OF 2021 (Arising out of SLP (Crl) No.3679 of 2021) Mamta Nair vs. State of Rajasthan Anr. O R D E R…

CROSS Questions – How to Cross

SOME RANDOM BRAIN DUMP OF CROSS QUESTIONS Making her admit to the contents of the F.I.R 1. Will you withdraw this case if your husband shifts to Hyderabad and be a ghar jamai. 2. What is your name 3. What is your full name 4….

Whether court can convict accused relying on the evidence of related witness?

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION Criminal Appeal No. 316 of 2011 Karulal Vs The State of Madhya Pradesh Hrishikesh Roy, J. Dated: OCTOBER 09, 2020 1. This Appeal has been preferred by 5 accused, namely, Karulal(A-5), Amra(A-6), Kachru(A-7), Suratram(A-8) and Bhagirath(A-9). They…

Whether the court can refuse to rely on the court commissioner’s report if he is not examined as a witness?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF BOMBAY (NAGPUR BENCH) Second Appeal No. 77 of 1999 Decided On: 05.07.2010 Kirpashankar Mukundlal Sahu Vs. Tilakraj Khushalchandra Wadhawan Hon’ble Judges/Coram: A.P. Bhangale, J. Citation: MANU/MH/0720/201 1. This appeal is filed by unsuccessful plaintiff in Regular Civil Suit No. 83…

Whether a party can confront a witness in cross-examination by showing him inadmissible document?

In the High Court of Bombay (Before G.S. Patel, J.) Vijay Kumar Gupta Vs Naresh Kumar Gupta Testamentary Suit No. 72 of 2005 In Testamentary Petition No. 528 of 2005 Decided on May 4, 2016 Citation: 2016 SCC OnLine Bom 8659 G.S. Patel, J.:— I…

SC : Relationship is not a belligerent inspiring a Credibility of a Witness


SC : Prior Contradictory Statement of Witness is not Substantive Evidence

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Civil Appeal No. 1787 of 1967 Decided On: 30.10.1973 Bishwanath Prasad Vs. Dwarka Prasad Hon’ble Judges/Coram: H.R. Khanna, R.S. Sarkaria and V.R. Krishna Iyer, JJ. Citation: AIR 1974 SC 117, 1. The dispute is short, the points of law…

Whether evidence given by witness becomes inadmissible if police has read over his statement recorded U/S 161 of CRPC?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF KERALA Cri. Appeal No. 462 of 1992 Decided On: 13.01.1995 Ali Vs. State of Kerala Hon’ble Judges/Coram: K.P. Balanarayana Marar, J. 1. The accused in Sessions Case 80 of 1991 before Second Additional Assistant Sessions Judge, Ernakulam is the appellant….

Note on section 340 Crpc

Note on section 340 crpc Applicant must read the relevant Bare acts i.e., 340, 195, 250 and 357 of CrPC and 191 to 211 of IPC (191, 192, 193 in particular) to get thorough understanding of it. S 193 of IPC is for Punishment for…

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